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There is no honest way to tell because every guy is different. If you like this guy you should tell him how you feel. Don't wait for him to ask you out because some guys are shy and may not ask you out.

Most importantly remember that if he does not say yes to you or if he does not ask you out then he does not deserve you. Best of luck!

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Q: How can you tell if your guy friend is about to ask you out?
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How do you want to get a guy to ask you out?

Get that guy's best friend to tell that guy that you like him, and to ask you out.

How can you tell your guy friend likes you?

Ask him.

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If you have a friend who is a friend of him, ask the friend to ask him if he likes you.

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I would ask a friend to tell him for me :)

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well you tell one of your friend to go ask him or tell one of his friend

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you get one of your friends to ask him if he likes you, then tell that friend to ask you out

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You tell your friend "he does?" and if you like the guy in question, give him a sly smile and a wave. Be yourself and ask him out if he doesn't ask you! If you don't, ask your friend PRIVATELY for a few tips on letting the guy off easy. If this guy told your friend that he likes you, he trusts your friend.

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Dont ask him out tell him how you feel (: Dont ask him out tell him how you feel (:

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ask that friend if they like that guy or not. if they dont then have them go up to the guy and tell them that,m but carefully.

How can you tell if the guy likes you back after hearing from a friend that you like him?

Really you can't tell, you have to ask him.

How do you ask a guy out for your friend?

Go up to him and firstly ask him if he likes your friend even if he says no ask him out then for your friend. You can tell if he really likes her if it doesn't take long to decide.

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tell him to ask the girl if she likes him