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The best advice would be to research the specific needs of the animal before you make the purchase. If you can't provide your reptile with proper dietary needs, you're basically slowly killing it.

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Q: How can you tell if your lizard is a vegetarian or a meat eating lizard?
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How can you tell a differencen between a dinosaur that was a plant eater and one that was a meat eater?

One way is by looking at the teeth. Carnivorous dinosaurs always had sharp teeth. Herbivorous dinosaurs had spatula like teeth, or even molars, depending on the species. Also, no meat eating dinosaurs could walk on four legs. Also, most if not all meat eating dinosaurs were lizard hipped. There were also some dinosaurs that were omnivores and had a combination of teeth.

How do you tell if lizard is sick?

any irregular behavior such as not eating, drinking, or moving as fast as it would. or it can be a dark black or brown.

Should vegetarians tell people they are vegetarians?

I'm a vegetarian and I don't mind telling people I'm a vegetarian. Sometimes it helps to tell people you are one because of a few reasons: 1. If someone offers to get you a meal they will know not to buy you a meat meal. 2. People won't eat meat in front of your face. (People still eat meat in my face on purpose... Malicious greed.)

How can you tell if you a vegetarian?

ask them what do you know about vegetarians?

How do you tell your parents you're becoming a vegetarian?

You go up to them and say, "Hi, I've thought about this for a while now and I decided that I'm going to be a vegetarian. I hope you are supportive of my decision and will help me reach my goal. I would like to become a vegetarian beacause...". Hopefully they will think it's a great idea. Good luck!Why do you have to tell them?What you eat is your business.In the same way if your parents were vegetarian and you chose to eat meat, that would be your business.

How can you tell if an animal that you have trapped hunted and killed is diseased so you do not transmit the virus to yourself or others that are consuming the meat?

Assuming that you do not have access to appropriate laboratory facilties, then there is no practical way to tell. In fact it is very likely that the meat is infected with something or another. This is why thorough cooking of meat is required to ensure that any potential pathogens have been destroyed before eating it. Personally, I am vegetarian and so I do not have this problem unless I am preparing a meal for meat-eaters, in which case I make very sure that the meat is thoroughly cooked through by using a temperature probe. Even so, some pathogens can survive cooking, such as the prions that cause CJD.

If you are invited out for dinner should you tell your host in advance that you are a vegetarian?

Absolutely. Who wants to end up having something for dinner that you can't eat? It would look even more impolite to refuse eating your food than to respectfully request a vegetarian option.

If meat eating dinosaurs didn't have anything to eat will they eat plants?

Meat eating dinosaurs couldn't eat plants because they had teeth designed for riping and tearing meat not grinding plants. they also follow instinct which wouldn't tell them to eat plants because it is against nature and it's not what they were created to do.

If you change to a vegetarian diet do you need vitamins and supplements?

If you do become a vegetarian, it would be in your best interest to get some supplements. I take an iron supplement, because you get very little when you don't eat meat. Just go to your local health food store - or see your doctor - and they should be able to tell you some other important things you should get if you go vegetarian.

How do I explain to my 'vegetarian' friend that chicken is not vegetarian because she says it is and eats it?

Tell her that vegetarian food grows out of the ground, it comes from the earth. If she can "plant" it, she can eat it.

What reptile can run on waterjesus lizard?

well, how u can tell its jesus lizard is it has to have a beard.....yup

How to you tell a girl sage brush lizard from a boy sage brush lizard?

one has a penis