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In the word "belief," the stress falls on the first syllable "be-" due to its stronger emphasis and longer pronunciation compared to the second syllable "-lief." This can be confirmed by pronouncing the word and observing where the natural emphasis lies.

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Q: How can you tell that the second syllable in belief is stressed?
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How do you tell which syllable is stressed in belief?

In the word "belief," the stress falls on the first syllable "be." This means that the "be" is pronounced more strongly and louder than the second syllable "lief."

Where is the stressed syllable on the word intelligent?

The first syllable of sensible is stressed. (sen-si-ble)

What does it mean for a syllable to be stressed?

stressed syllables are the syllables within a word that have the most emphasis when spokenfor example:other - the syllable "oth" is stressed and the syllable "er" is not because "er" is pronounced less that "oth"the "er" tends to sound as if it were falling away at the end of the wordcompound words tend to be double stressed because both syllables are pronounced equallyfor examplechildhood- both "child" and "hood" are pronounced fullyyou can tell which syllable is stressed by saying the word naturallyIn words of two syllables or more, at least one of the syllables is usually pronounced with extra emphasis. We can divide syllables into stressed and unstressed categories.

How do you stress a syllable?

By just looking at a word, there is no way for you to know what the stressed syllables are. You should look up the word in a dictionary: it will tell you the pronunciation of the word, along with stressed/unstressed syllables.

How many syllable in the word tell?

The word "tell" has one syllable.

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What is an unstressed syllable and how do you find it in words?

You can look in a dictionary. Dictionaries usually show word stress. BE -lief

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I think you know it's stressed by it's ears being down but I'm not sure...

How can you tell that is 5 syllables?

its not, its only 1 syllable.

What is the accented syllable for before?

To tell the person in writing that this accented

How do you tell the reader that the character is stressed when he talks?

You don't tell them -- you show them. How do people act when they are stressed? Do they pace back and forth? Wring their hands or run their fingers through their hair? Do they talk quickly or more slowly? Do they stutter or yell? You've seen stressed people -- write what you saw.

How can Christans tell that there is a god?

can you see the air .you cant but you belief it there .it the same with god if you belief he is there he is .