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Halo Pelvic is when the halo is placed around the skull, and pins into the Pelvic bone in some way. Halo Femoral is when the Secondary pins are into the Femoral bone, just above the Knee. This is a method of straightening the spinal column when there is severe scoliosis.

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Q: How can you tell the difference between halo pelvic and halo femoral traction?
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yes, there is, if I'm right in assuming you mean differences that are visible.Males have a two pelvic claspers, and are very obvious. Females do not have claspers, but have instead have a cloacal opening between the pelvic fins.

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difference between ultra sound transvaginal and pelvic? try this link hopefully it will help

Is the specific name for the hip region?

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Is there a difference between the number of bones in females and males?

No. Both have same number of bones that is 206 in adults.In case of females bones are smoother, lighter and having less muscular marking. There Pelvic girdle is quite different from Male Pelvic girdle and adapted for delivery of the baby.

In anatomy what is the difference between a crest and a line?

A crest is a prominent ridge of a bone, a line is a low ridge. For example, search for images of the iliac crest and you will see the crest is the very top portion of the pelvic bone, the line is the lower portion of the medial part of the pelvic bone.

Where the sciatic notch is located?

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