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Q: How can you tell the discussion between the big three during Yalta were disappointing?
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Which leader was not part of the Big Three at Yalta?

Your knowledge is somewhat askew: Hitler was not present at the Yalta conference - it was a discussion between Alliedleaders.Roosevelt, Stalin & Churchill were the "Big Three".

In what country did churchill Stalin and Roosevelt discuss the reorganization of Europe?

this discussion was held in Yalta , in the Ukraine

What was conference was the discussion held about dividing Germany into 4 parts?

That was the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

What country was split in half during the yalta conference?


What did the US want during the Yalta Conference?

Search up Digital History Yalta Conference. You'll find a website where the background of Yalta, as well as the stances of the USSR, USA, and GB are explained (near the end)

Who controlled eastern Europe during the yalta conference?

Soviet Union

What were three of the locations where famous wartime conferences took place between Allied leaders during World War 2?

Potsdam , Tehran and Yalta conferences .

Did the Yalta conference take place during Truman's presidency?

no it took place during roosevelts presidency

What was the atmosphere during the Yalta conference?

The meeting took place in an atmosphere of distrust.

During the Yalta Conference the Allies decided to?

freely elected government

What is the yalta pact?

WW2 meeting between US, England, and Russia.

What meeting was held in 1945 between Churchill Stalin and Roosevelt in which post-war Europe was the priority?

The Yalta conference, in Ukraine - USSR at the time, were Stalin, Churchill and Roosvelt met in February of 1945.