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If your Alien is blue , green ,black or gold it's a boy . If your Alien is pink ,white ,red or silver it's a girl.

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Q: How can you tell the gender of a alien baby in goo?
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Do you have to put the gooey alien in the fridge when its having a baby?

No you do not need to put a goo Alien in the fridge when its having a baby plus its impossible to make a goo alien have a baby

Does a baby alien has to have its goo?


What if your alien baby's back is cracked with out the goo?

I think it is going to have a baby

When you put your goo alien in the freezer do you leave the goo with it?

No, you should not leave the goo alien in the freezer with the goo. Freezing the goo could damage it and possibly alter its texture or properties. It's best to remove the goo from the alien before placing it in the freezer.

Can you put your alien with goo in water with out the egg?

You should no put an Alien with Goo in water without the egg. The water will damage the goo and it will no longer be usable.

What do you feed a toy alien?


Do you keep the goo for aliens from the planet scardox?

yes. when your not playing with your alien, keep it in the goo. The goo keeps it alive because the scardoxian (scardox alien) eats it. hope i helped. :D

What is the fastest way for aliens to get baby aliens?

A male and a female rub their backs together and the male becomes pregnant. He bathes in warm goo and the baby grows. When it is fully grown as a baby alien, it breaks out of the dads back and comes to life, the dads back heals in the warm goo and the baby comes alive when pressure is added to his tummy, the baby feeds from the warm goo and slowly grows. I hope this helped! :P

Do you cover the alien in goo?

Yes! You have to cover it so it can eat the goo and keep it warm.

How Do You Feed A Scardox Alien?

it eats the goo

How can you tell if a gooey alien is pregnant?

because if its pregnant a girl has a hole in the back of its head or tummy

What type of gooey alien do you need to have a baby?

ask somebody do they want a bend ruler if you got one trade it with a alien you need goo to keep it alive