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Firstly, she will be absolutely huge. All of my platies have looked like they've swallowed a marble. About 24 hours out, she will hide in the plants and may either become snappy towards other fish or ignore them and try to stay away from them. These are about all the outward signs you'll get until a pile of fry appear in the tank.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Tetras do not usually breed in an aquarium unless you specifically set out to breed them, and provide them with a breeding aquarium. They do not give birth, they lay eggs. The method varies with the species. Some are egg scatterers, meaning they spawn in mid water and allow the eggs to fall to the bottom. Others spawn onto plants, or artificial spawing mops. When ready to breed, female tetras are fatter and fuller in the body than males. That's probably the only way to tell male from female. You will only realise they have actually spawned if you suddenly notice the fat ones become slim again. The chances of any fry hatching and surviving in a community aquarium are basically nil because even if the eggs are not eaten they will not find suitable small foods in an aquarium if these are not provided.

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12y ago

Firstly you will notice a large dark area just in front of her ventral fin and her tummy will be distended. This is an indication that she is pregnant (Gravid) When she starts moving around erratically making little sudden dashes sometimes close to the bottom of the tank and sometimes in amongst the plants or near the surface she is probably releasing a youngster or a few of them each time she does one of these dashes.

:thanks alot!!!:

i asked this question.. it doesnt matter now she giving birth as im writing this now. 17 babies but shes tried to eat four but now theres only remains of them. but the couldn't fit through that 'V' thing so the got chewd up and spat out :(

A gravel/pebble substrate and heaps/clumps of growing fine leafed plants can provide good immediate cover for the fry when they are being born(released).

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13y ago

When you can see a black spot inside the female swordfish's belly. You can see that in most livebearers e.g. guppies, swordfish, platties, mollies etc.

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Q: How can you tell when a live bearing fish is about to give birth?
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Common live-bearing fish birth symptoms are less appetite, male fish constantly following the female, and female being more stressed.

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No, they are live-bearing.-Shocker

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Guppy fish is a type of live-bearing fish, as they give birth to live fish after a certain gestation period. The guppy is one of the most popular aquarium fish, and as a live-bearing fish, for he is considered to be quite easy to take care of and has the shortest gestation period of all live-bearing fish.

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Yes Many species of fish do indeed lay eggs. There are also fish species that give live birth, sharks and small aquarium fish suck as mollies and guppies are examples. These fish that give live birth are called "livebearers".

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Zebra danios are not live-bearing fish, so they do not get pregnant. Instead, the female will lay eggs, and the male will fertilize them. The eggs will hatch about 2 days after being fertilized.

What does livebearing mean?

It means that the animal will give birth to live young. Mammals are live-bearing. If an animal gives birth to eggs, it is not.

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