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look at its pee arae .. <3

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Q: How can you tell when a red ear turtle is a female or a male?
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Can a red ear turtle male have eggs?

no, only females can.

How do you tell if a red eat slider is a boy or girl?

female red ear slider have a much shorter tail then the male.

How long does a yellow ear turtle live?

I have never heard of a yellwo ear turtle before. By chance, do you mean yellow belly turtle?

Is there a way to tell the difference between a male and a female rabbit in the wild without touching them?

No. There is nothing significant between male and female rabbits just to look at them; differences in size, ear shape, colour, etc., does not give any clue what-so-ever as to whether a particular animal is male or female. The only way to tell a buck from a doe is to check the genitalia. Even then, experts such as breeders and veternarians well- used to "sexing" rabbits can make a mistake.

How can you tell the difference between a boy and a girl blugill?

The female has much shorter ear tab, yellowy colored breast (opposed to the male who has more of a burgundylike color on the breast), no black spots on side scales (which the male has a lot of, usually) ;-)

What kind of rabbits do you have?

I have one normal sized brown lopped ear rabbit(female), one black and white dwarf lop ear rabbit(female), one pure white normal lop ear rabbit(female) and a brown and grey mini lop rabbit(male).

Which ear are girls supposed to pierce?

Both or none it's up to you there is no set "routine" for female or male ear piercing, just what looks good to you and those that look at you.

Does a red eared slider turtle have a voice?

Yes, they have internal ear structures. They are sensitive to vibration and sound.

What turtle is really expensive?

Do you know what turtle isn't expensive, a red ear trappin!

Can you get pregnant from ear?

no, the only way for a human to get pregnant is for a male and female to have sexual intercourse using the reproductive organs {penis, vagina}

What do a turtle a car the moon and an ear have in common?


Can the red ear turtle egg hatch in water?
