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Q: How can you tell when people with disabilities enjoy outings?
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Is it improper to tell jokes about people with disabilities?

Yes... definitely!

Who can compete in the Paralympics?

i can tell you, the answer is athletes who have no legs or arms i can also tell you how many events are in the answer is rather 12, 13, 14, or 15 there i can help.

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just tell them that god loves you more so he wants you to enjoy the child years more. Tell them that you are going to have a better pubertal growth.

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well that's all up to you if you enjoy it go with it if you don't enjoy it tell him to stop if he has a problem tell him to take a walk

How do you tell a friend you don't enjoy being with them?

Tell them you are alergic to their scent. Tell them you are alergic to their scent.

What element of your care job interest you?

This is a very common question that is asked when you are interviewing for a position as a daycare worker, a nursing or medical assistant, a teacher's aide, or other jobs that involve taking care of children, the elderly, people with disabilities, or people who are ill. You should tell the interviewer what you enjoy about this kind of work, what you have learned from doing it, and why you want to continue in this occupation. The interviewer is trying to learn more about you, especially why you chose this particular job and what you like about doing it.

Does a person with Asperger's Syndrome need to tell his or her future spouse before marrying?

Absolutely! Marriage is based on trust, and keeping secrets betrays that trust! Also, not all people are able to deal with people with learning disabilities, so the more they learn, the better. Clarification: Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is a developmental disorder, more specifically a pervasive developmental disorder. Asperger's Syndrome is not a learning disability. A person with AS can also have learning disabilities. Learning disabilities include dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscaclulia, and dysnomia.

How do you tell if you are cool?

Stop trying to be cool and just enjoy life as it is while you have it. Being cool isn't as awesome as people make it seem.

What is Waiting outside the lines by Greyson Chance about?

The song is about how people never enjoy their life if they're always playing it safe. He's trying to tell people its okay to take a chance and that if you take a chance you can enjoy life more than you can if you are always living by the book.

Does Cushing's Syndrome cause mental immaturity in children?

I was born with Cushing's. I will tell u this, it does cause learning disabilities. I wentto school in the 60s-70s and learning disabilities were never addressed the way they are now/ It ruined me.

Can you tell me what's happy about this site?

It all depends on what makes you happy. There are several thousand categories, so most people can find an area they enjoy.

What interest you in a job?

If this question is asked of you, you can tell them you enjoy working with people. You can also say you took classes in this topic or it has always been an interest of yours.