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guys can be bad at showing emotions. you have to determine whther he wants you back or just wants to be your "hook-up" buddy. signs that he wants you back can be that he always tries to talk to you, is very sad without you, tries to make you jealous, and guilts you for things.

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Q: How can you tell when your x boyfriend still has a thing for you?
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i would tell your boyfriend - he'll understand and probably speak to her and if it still doesn't stop you need to tell a teacher or your parents. a similar thing happened to my friend and when she told her boyfriend the girl got all embarrassed and stopped. :) good luck X

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== == Make sure he really loves you before you get close. If you want to be with him tell your current boyfriend that you should date other people, then get back with your ex and you can live happily ever after LOL!!

What do you do when you still love your X?

if you still love your x then tell them they might still love you but ain't nothin wrong wit loving your x i still love mine and i have a boyfriend but do what u think is best if u tell them they might give you another chance depinding on how ya'll broke up

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Answer Why you would still be hanging around with an x is beyond me, you just move on do your thing and let him do his as apparently what he's doing is driving you crazy. Why would you want to live like that. Yeah for sure, but how do I tell HIM that..?

How do you tell your x-boyfriend you want to get back together?

Tell him you miss him.

Why does a x-boyfriend still kisses you on the lips?

Probably because he still likes you

Boyfriend at the moment and your X really wants you back but you dont want to go back what should you tell him?

Just tell him straight to his face, or get your boyfriend to.

If a girl tolk about her x boyfriend to you?

If a girl keep on talking about her ex-boyfriend to you that means she still loves him!

How can you get your x-boyfriend back?

You can always tell him that you still have feelings for him. Or you can flirt with other guys to make him jealous. The easiest was it to let him know that you still like him and tell him you want to get back together. If he doesn't, then get back out on the playing field, forget about him. He isn't worth it anyway.

When you have a fight your boyfriend he doesn?

well if u have a fight with ur boyfriend i say leave him alone for a while then later tell him are u still mad at me? If he says no then ur all set.but if he says yes well then u tell him how can i make it up to u that I'm x trimly sorry!!!!

Should you believe your friends if they tell you something your boyfriend did?

it depend on how well you trust your friends and your boyfriend. everyone makes mistakes ..x

I got a Boyfriend but i were in love with your x-boyfriend and im still in love with him but i love your boyfriend i have now what should i do?

You need to decide which one you love more, and once you have done this you need to let the other down gently. It might be a hard thing for you to do, but by choosing who you want to be with you will not be leading the other on and the whole situation will be resolved.