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you have to look in the periods

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Q: How can you tell which group an element is in?
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What does carbons group number tells you about the element?

Tells you where this element resides in the period table. tell you which group,,metallic , gas, or liquid.

What does the periodic table tell you about the element in a group?

The groups in the periodic table tell you what each element within them will react with, the number of valance electrons the element has, and what family it is in.

How can you find group no?

The number of valence electrons tell us the group number of that element.

What does the group number of a element tell about valence electrons?

All elements in the same A group will have the same number of valence electrons.

What does the number of nucleus tell you about the element?

The number of the protons in the nucleus of a chemical element is equivalent to the atomic number; the atomic number define the position of this element in the periodic table (group, period). And from these we can suppose the chemical properties of this element.

How can i look at the periodic table and tell how many valence electrons an element has?

The group of the element indicates the amount of valence electrons. For example, the alkali metals have one valence electron and is in group one whilst the halogens have seven valence electrons and are in group seven.

What does the group number of the periodic table tell you about the structure of an atom?

the group number,element in some way describes the number of valence electrons or the property that they exhibit

What is the element group called carbonate?

"Carbonate" is not an element or an element group; instead, it is a polyatomic anion and is one of a large group of oxyanions.

What is the order of an element in a group?

The order of an element in a multiplicative group is the power to which it must be raised to get the identity element.

In group 13 the boron group the most common element is?

in group 13, the boron group, the most common element is

What is the group number of the element Cadmium?

The element "Cadmium" is in group number 12.

Which element is the first element in group 1?

If we look at the periodic table, we can see that the first element in Group I is Hydrogen.