

How can you tell your a psychic?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Everything that happens seems like deja vu to you.

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Q: How can you tell your a psychic?
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How can you tell im psychic?

You can't be psychic, it's impossible.

Is there a book I can purchase that will help me on a psychic test?

If you are psychic you are psychic and there really is no way to read up on it or study. Being psychic is a feeling and a instinct and no quiz will really tell you if you are psychic.

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a psychic person.

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Physics is a type of science and math. A psychic probably can't either.

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Is there a way to know for sure whether a person is a psychic?

No, there is no way to know for sure whether a person is a psychic. However, you can see different suggestions at

How do you i tell my parents i am psychic?

If you think you will get a very negative response, I would say keep it to yourself for now. If you feel they will be open to it, then just tell them honestly why you feel you are psychic and what your experiences have been.

What is the contact number for Psychic Interactive?

The contact number for Psychic Interactive is 1-702-216-9900. Lydia is a natural, she is a specialist in psychic numbering and is sure to tell you all you want to hear.

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Predicts? Fortune? Psychic?

How do you know if i am a psychic?

You will show symptoms.If you are then you should be able to tell me. Obviously you are not.As the question is asked, the only way I could tell if you are a psychic is if you successfully demonstrated with a high degree of accuracy knowledge that you could not possibly posses.

How do you tell your friends that you are psychic?

Just like how you would tell your TRUE friends anything else.... Just say it. I understand telling something as simple as being psychic is hard, but everyone has their flaws and if they are your real friends then they will understand it as well.

Can anyone physic tell you the name your parents gave you?

Physics is math and science. It is spelled psychic. Generally people give away little clues that give the "psychic" the answer.