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If the projectile's velocity has a horizontal component - in other words, it doesn't go straight up - then its speed will never be zero.

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Q: How can you throw a projectile so that it has nonzero speed at the top of trajectory?
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How can you throw a projectile so that it has zero speed at the top?

Throw it with zero horizontal speed, i.e. straight up. (Remember to move out of the way.)

How does trajectory work?

The trajectory of something is the movement of it when moving through the air. Then you throw a frisbee at a park, it sails across the grass before falling instead of shooting straight up and falling down right away. The trajectory of the frisbee is the path it took before reaching the ground.

How do you find trajectory?

Trajectory is found as soon as you throw something like a frisbee into the air.

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An object that is projectile is an object that is moving through the air. When you throw an object it is projectile.

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What is projectile?

Projectiles are basically just objects that move through air along a trajectory without a propulsion system. A simpler definition is that projectiles are things that move through air along a curved path without anything to push it forward, like a motor. Examples would be like an eraser that you throw at someone.

What does projectile?

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