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The proper way for a veterinarian to take care of an animal depends on the animal in question. Generally, though, the vet should thoroughly examine the animal, checking for illnesses and health problems. The vet should also make helpful recommendations to the animal's owner, suggesting things such as foods the animal should be eating, or any medications the animal should be on.

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By taking care of it and or giving it a treat. You can also give the animal a toy if it were a house pet, then later if you be nice and respect it enough than after a while it will respect you. If it is a house pet you should also train it to be good and nice to you so you can have a better time with your animal, unless its a snake of course.

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Q: How can you treat an animal with respect?
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What is a animal that is illegal for a vet to treat?

With my research I saw that many vets can treat any animal because there are many different kinds of vets. But any vet can refuse to treat an animal. For example. If your dog is sick, the vet can refuse to treat the dog because, unlike in human medicine, there is no legal requirement for treatment. The two most common reasons a veterinarian will refuse to treat an animal are lack of owner ability to pay for treatment and inexperience with the species or condition.

What do veternian do?

they are actually like animal doctors they take are and treat animals

Why animals should be treated with respect?

if you mean when they get sick how do they get better.Well some animals get released in the wild after staying with the vet for a while and they put a tag on its leg of wherever and can see if its ok over time by computer.Now you could mean if they don't have a tag well usually they find them in time and they die but if for some reason a vet or doctor goes out there to see how an animal is or another reason they can help the animal that way but usually nobody knows.I hope you sort of understand

How do you treat a greenstick fracture in a puppy?

you operate of you put the animal down goooooooooo bbbbbbbbeeeeeeennnnnn go kyle

Where to get a animal fixed?

Go to a animal clinic (vet), there you can have an animal fixedGetting an animal fixed will not harm it in less you treat the animal with abuse and while I am on the subject, getting a animal fixed will permanently spay or neuter the animal. Any other questions please don't feel free to ask me.

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like you treat your boyfriend With RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!