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you operate of you put the animal down goooooooooo bbbbbbbbeeeeeeennnnnn go kyle

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Q: How do you treat a greenstick fracture in a puppy?
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What long term affects will a greenstick hock fracture have on a puppy?

Young animals heal more quickly than older ones, so if the fracture heals straight, the puppy should have no trouble in the future. The vet will probably put a cast on the leg so that it will heal properly. Fractures take about six weeks to heal. After that, the cast can come off and the puppy will be able to walk around normally.

How do you treat open wound on newborn puppy?

first wrap it up in a towel then take it to the vet bye bye.

How do you treat diarrhea after castration in 6 month old puppy?

Those 2 things are should take him to your vet

How do you stop a puppy spoiling on the carpet?

Obtain a cage with your new puppy the cage will help make the puppy feel secure, will make a home there and will therefore not spoil. Feed puppy and then put back in cage after 30 mins take puppy out to back garden where it may spoil as it spoils say the words 'busy busy' return puppy to cage with treat. repeat this every day (puppy can obviously come out of cage at other times but be careful not to overtire) The puppy will adopt the habit that every time you take it to the garden and say 'busy busy' it will spoil and therefore never be undisciplined enough to spoil in the house or where it shouldn't. Useful if taking dog on a train, bus etc as you can be confident it won't want to go if you have already 'walked' it in the garden.

What breed of dog is a hush puppy?

A hush puppy is not a breed of dog, it is a food often associated with the Southern US. states. Basically, it's fried corn bread with a bunch of stuff, such as onions, mixed in. A salty, but delicious treat.