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Those 2 things are should take him to your vet

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Q: How do you treat diarrhea after castration in 6 month old puppy?
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What is wrong with your puppy if its tummy is bloated?

If your puppies tummy is bloated the most common reason is that it has worms. I myself have a Great Dane puppy that had a "bloated tummy" and the result was worms. There are medications the vet can give you to treat the worms, some cases are more serious than others. A serious case would include uncontrollable diarrhea and symptoms alike. ~ Hope I helped & hope your puppy gets feeling better. (: ~ From dograchie123

How do you treat a greenstick fracture in a puppy?

you operate of you put the animal down goooooooooo bbbbbbbbeeeeeeennnnnn go kyle

How do you treat diarrhea in a puppy?

You need to take your puppy in to see your Veterinarian. There are so many things that can cause diarrhea such as a sudden food change to deadly Parvo virus or Salmon poisoning. That is why your Vet should check your pup out. Make sure you are feeding a good name puppy food, not some cheap generic brand. But have your pup checked out first. Take a fecal sample in also when your pup goes to see the Vet. That way your Vet can check for parasites too.

How do you treat open wound on newborn puppy?

first wrap it up in a towel then take it to the vet bye bye.

How do you stop a puppy spoiling on the carpet?

Obtain a cage with your new puppy the cage will help make the puppy feel secure, will make a home there and will therefore not spoil. Feed puppy and then put back in cage after 30 mins take puppy out to back garden where it may spoil as it spoils say the words 'busy busy' return puppy to cage with treat. repeat this every day (puppy can obviously come out of cage at other times but be careful not to overtire) The puppy will adopt the habit that every time you take it to the garden and say 'busy busy' it will spoil and therefore never be undisciplined enough to spoil in the house or where it shouldn't. Useful if taking dog on a train, bus etc as you can be confident it won't want to go if you have already 'walked' it in the garden.

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How do you treat diarhhea in an 8 week old Aussie?

You didn't say how long the diarrhea has been going on, or if it's mild or severe diarrhea (mild diarrhea is soft stools, or pudding texture; serious diarrhea is projectile, uncontrolled watery texture). The greatest worry with ongoing diarrhea is dehydration. You also didn't say if your puppy is having other symptoms such as acting lethargic or vomiting. If it is, you need to get your puppy to a veterinarian. In a young puppy, diarrhea can be caused by viruses and parasites. Getting a stool sample to the vet would be wise. Without having all the information I need, your best bet is to have your puppy examined by a vet. A young puppy with diarrhea usually needs medical attention immediately. Puppies are quite delicate, and depending on what's causing the diarrhea, it could even be fatal.

If your puppy doesn't have Parvo why does it have random diarrhea in the middle of the night?

Could be worms, reaction to a new food or treat, stress etc. Bring in a stool sample to your vet, diarrhea in a pup shouldn't be ignored as they ca dehydrate before you know it.

What is an antidiarrheal?

An antidiarrheic is an agent used to prevent or treat diarrhea.

Can you take benadryl clindamycin and rimadyl together when a three month old puppy is involved?

You definitely need to talk to your Vet. I find it difficult to believe a Vet would prescribe Rimadyl for a 3-month old puppy, and I presume you care enough about your puppy to treat it ONLY with medications OK'd by your Vet.

What is on sale to treat diarrhea in infants?

Pedialytle is generally considered to be a good over the counter remedy used to treat diarrhea in infants. yogurt is also a well known remedy to help infants with diarrhea.

What are some ways to treat diarrhea in dogs?

One of the most effective ways to treat diarrhea is to take 'Imodium'. Imodium is an opioid drug used specifically to treat diarrhea. One can also use products such as 'Dioralyte' which will prevent one from becoming dehydrated from diarrhea.

What is a good drug to give to puppies with severe diarrhea?

My vet gave me Pro-Kolin, which is a malt paste that promotes a healthy digestive system, and will help settle the puppy's stomach. Pro-Kolin can be used in a syringe to apply it to their food.

How do you treat diarrhea in rats?

Try giving it an enema.

How do you treat a horses with diarrhea?

Deny him of any grass or vegatables only for a week or until the diarrhea stops :)

How do you treat a sick puppy?

take it to a vet

What is a good dog treat for a puppy?

A good dog treat for a puppy is either a small dog cookie or a soft toy. These are great treats because it has minimal chance of harming the puppy, while it can be enjoyable.

What is an average cost of a puppy at shake a paw?

A treat