

How can you use XML in webpage design to carry data?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Well, you will want to have a means of communication with your Web server. If you have a Web server or Web Hosting with ASP or PHP on Windows, you can use AJAX (Asynchronomous JavaScript and XML). You can learn about AJAX at If you are not familiar with JavaScript, you might want to check out their JavaScript tutorial first. Just go to If you can use another server language, do a search for accessing XML files using that language. If you can't use any server language, just put the following VB script on your page. Try Set XMLDOM = CreateObject("Msxml2.Document.4.0") Catch e Try Set XMLDOM = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") Catch e MsgBox("An error occured: " & e) End Try ' If IE's gotten this far, we have the instance we need. ' Load XML file XMLDOM.Load (yourFile) Set XMLObj = XMLDOM.documentElement; For Each x In XMLObj.childNodes() If x.hasChildNodes = True Then For Each y In x.childNodes() ' Do something with the current XML element's child node's child node. Loop End If Loop Below are some of the properties you can use when you are working with the XML element's child nodes and their child nodes. Name: Reveals the name of the node. Text: Reveals the value of the node.

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Explain how can XML used in web page design to carry data?

You can use xml tags to enclose data and carry it over the web onto web pages and display. Lets say you have an xml of courses and you wnat to show it, you would have data like course title, course description etc, you simply create your tags in xml like <course titile> put your course title here</course title> and so on, the resulting xml file (containing your data) could be easily displayed over the internet.

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CSS stands for cascading style sheet and it is used to apply styling to websites and webpage's i.e. colour and font of text, colour and style of buttons etc. XML is for transporting xml data over the internet. Combined you can use xml and css to style up data and represent it over the internet on webpage's in a consistent way across different browsers

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xml is used on webpages and web services and can also be used to create data bases and to store and carry data.

What are the applications of xml?

xml can be used in data management, e publishing and in we3d design to display websites across differnt browsers.

What about XML?

xml stands for extensible markup language, and it is a markup language that was designed originally as a way to tell browers how to display a web page so that a webpage would render as intended by the designer, regardless ofthe users web brwoser. It has exploded since then and is use to carry data across different systems whilst maintaning the integrity of the data.

What is know as a xml?

xml stands for extensible markup language, its amarkup language that allows you to carry and display data across different platforms and systems.

Can XML be used to for data storage?

Yes, XML can be used for data storage. XML store data in the form of nodes and sub-nodes.

How a way of describing XML data?

XML uses XSL to describe data

Is xml page a webpage?

Yes Xml is a webpage for kids in grades from kinder to high school to practice math if they need to study for it, they have any catagory to practice. :) hope it helps :D

Do you need XML?

Some programs require XML-structured data. But there are ways around that, so if you know that programs do not need XML-structured data, then no -- you do not need XML.

What are the design goals of XML?

The design goals of XML are emphasize simplicity, generality and usability over the internet.