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Q: How can you use substantial in a scentence?
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Maybe because, what if the word also is the first word of the scentence. You also don't use it when you have a scentence like: I also like bananas and strawberries. What I mean is, is that it depends on the scentence.

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You don't.

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The invention of the wheel was a revolution.

How do you use alcove in a scentence?

we all had a separate alcove

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He noticed his hair had receded.

How can you use capitalism in a sentence?

This scentence would work: Capitalism is retarded.

How would you use cognition in a scentence?

Cognition is impaired by narcotic drugs.

How do you use the word delta in a scentence?

Let's go check out the delta.

How do you use tentacle in a scentence?

The octopus wrapped it's tentacle around the fish

How do you use 'candid' in a scentence?

"She wore a candid expression." "We had a very candid discussion."

How could you use resonated in a scentence?

The tone of the bell resonated in the halls of the cathedral.