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You can use it like this

Can you acquire the gold status in that old video game?

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Q: How can you use the word acquire in a sentence with out adding ed?
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How can you use the word acquire in a sentence?

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Use Acquire in a sentence?

George you will have to acquire the money from the bank alone

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The chef decided to saute the vegetables before adding them to the dish.

Use the word accumulate in a sentence?

Accumulate means to acquire or gather an increasing quantity of. A sample sentence is: "She wants to accumulate money to build her dream house".

How can you use perquisites in a sentence?

There are prerequisites you must acquire before you can get your drivers license.

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The physical therapy exercises helped to lengthen my hamstring muscles.

How do you put affix in a sentence?

To use an affix in a sentence, simply attach it to a base word to modify its meaning. For example, adding the prefix "un-" to the word "happy" creates "unhappy." Similarly, adding the suffix "-er" to "teach" results in "teacher."

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Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.