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You can go to and become a Premium/Anime member, and no ads will come, but I think you have to pay.

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Q: How can you wathch naruto episodes without commercials?
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YouTube, or All of the episodes, including the "Trouble in Tokyo" movie have been uploaded on YouTube, though I'm not sure about Both are safe and virus free, with the exception of pop-ups and ads, but it's better than nothing.

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rio de janeiro is a place in Brazil. it is not big and the most interesting things in r d j (roi de janeiro) statue cristo redento which is one of the world's wonder this statue is very high people can walk around the statue and wathch the downward views of r d j the statue shows welcome to the people in rdj and all the tourist . The city alone is about 450 square miles. The metropolitan area including 13 other municipalities is about 2,500 square miles.

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well her favoret color is eather pink,purple,or yellow and im her #1#1#1#1#1 fan shes my rolemodel i look things up about her and wathch everthing on youtube about her and shes not pregnant trust me and fav food Mexican at sharkeys and they named a ice cream after her she had 2 sister and 2 brouthers she is the middle child and her real name is destiny hope Cyrus she changed it to miley ray Cyrus and she was born November 3,1993 she is 16 her fav dog is Sophie i no were she lives but im not telliing you she has a home in L.A. and Tenesse she loves riding her bike and shopping for bags and shoes she loves puting diffrant clothes together shes sorry when she was in the vannity fair(took photoes naked with a towl around her send it to boyfried)and rote 7 things about her brake up and i no more so ill awnser questions -brooke b.

Is ashthma a deadly disease?

Yes and No. YES *It can cause death if you don't keep on it. My little brother has asthma and he's in the hospital about 10 times a year. If we don't take him to the hospital when he has an asthma attack he could die. So yes. Just keep on it and if you can carry a rescue inhaler. NO *It won't cause death. ONly as long as your on top of it. Medication is your best resource. That or breathing treatments/inhalers. So No it's not going to kill you aslong as you have a doctor or someone who has experienced it by your side. Keep posted for more asthma questions that I've aswered. Wathch for the 2 smileys and 123 at the bottom. :) :) 123

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