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Classical conditioning can be used to alleviate fear by using the exposure technique. When the subject is repeatedly exposed to the fearful stimulus with no negative effects, fear is lessened over time.

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Florine Wiza

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1y ago
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1mo ago

Classical conditioning can be used to help people unlearn anxiety and fear through a process called exposure therapy. By gradually exposing individuals to anxiety-provoking stimuli in a safe and controlled environment, they can learn to associate these stimuli with relaxation or neutral responses instead of fear. Over time, this can help to reduce the fear response and anxiety symptoms associated with the stimuli.

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How do both people and animals learn responses through classical conditioning?

Both people and animals learn responses through classical conditioning by associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus that naturally elicits a response. Over time, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that triggers the same response as the unconditioned stimulus. This process relies on the brain forming connections between stimuli, leading to the learned response.

What impact does classical conditioning have on your life?

Classical conditioning influences behaviors and responses by pairing stimuli with specific outcomes. For example, feeling anxious at the dentist's office due to past negative experiences is a result of classical conditioning. By understanding how these learned associations affect our behavior, we can work to change or modify our responses to certain stimuli.

What is a practical use of classical conditioning?

One practical use of classical conditioning is in education, where teachers can use it to associate positive feelings with learning materials to enhance student motivation and engagement. This can help students develop positive attitudes towards subjects they may have previously struggled with.

What is a strength of pavlov's theory?

One strength of Pavlov's theory of classical conditioning is its emphasis on the role of learning through associations between stimuli and responses. This theory has provided valuable insights into how behaviors can be influenced and changed through conditioning processes, which has practical applications in various fields such as psychology, education, and therapy.

How do you use the word anxiety in a sentence?

She felt a sense of anxiety before her big presentation.

Related questions

How can classical conditioning be used to help people unlearn anxiety and fear?

Classical conditioning can be used to alleviate fear by using the exposure technique. When the subject is repeatedly exposed to the fearful stimulus with no negative effects, fear is lessened over time.

Classical conditioning is is useful to animals and people because it helps them?

learn through observation

How do behaviorists believe people learn?

Behaviorists believe that people learn through conditioning, which involves the association of stimuli with responses. This can happen through classical conditioning, where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a reflex response, or through operant conditioning, where behaviors are strengthened or weakened by consequences. Overall, behaviorists focus on observable behaviors and the environmental factors that influence them.

How do both people and animals learn responses through classical conditioning?

Both people and animals learn responses through classical conditioning by associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus that naturally elicits a response. Over time, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that triggers the same response as the unconditioned stimulus. This process relies on the brain forming connections between stimuli, leading to the learned response.

What impact does classical conditioning have on your life?

Classical conditioning influences behaviors and responses by pairing stimuli with specific outcomes. For example, feeling anxious at the dentist's office due to past negative experiences is a result of classical conditioning. By understanding how these learned associations affect our behavior, we can work to change or modify our responses to certain stimuli.

How do you use classical conditioning to shape behavior of an impulsive child?

If the child is a teen you're not going to be able to shape him into being a good choicemaker. A professional could help. With a younger child, it is easy. You find what he likes, and you remove it from him, or withhold it, when he doesn't perform the desired behavior. Answer People frequently mis-use the term "Classical Conditioning". The contributor above has described some of the basic elements of what is called "Operant Conditioning", and that is probably what you were asking about. You would not want to use Classical Conditioning on a child. I'm not sure that there would even be a way to do it that would give you results that you want. Classical Conditioning involves pairing an "unconditioned response", like salivation when given food, or the iris of the eye getting smaller when expose to stronger light, to a "conditioned stimulus", like the sounding of a bell. Think Pavlov. Repeatedly ring a bell just when you give food to a hungry dog. If you get the timing right, the dog will salivate when you ring the bell.

What are people with debilitating anxiety said to be suffering from?

People with debilitating anxiety are said to be suffering from anxiety disorders, such as phobias, panic disorders, and generalized anxiety disorder.

How attitudes are learned?

Attitudes are learned through a combination of socialization, observation, and experience. People acquire attitudes from their family, peers, media, and direct interactions with others. Additionally, attitudes can be reinforced or changed through feedback and personal reflection on experiences.

Which organizations offer support for people with social anxiety?

Some of the organizations that offer support for people with social anxiety include Social Anxiety Support, Social Phobia, Anxiety and Depression Association of America and many more. These organizations offer help to people with social anxiety.

Should kids go to schoool everday and not have a vacation?

If people don't get vacations, when would they get the chance to unlearn everything schools try to teach them? ;)

Why do some people not get help for anxiety?

Because they don't want to admit that they have anxiety

What is a practical use of classical conditioning?

One practical use of classical conditioning is in education, where teachers can use it to associate positive feelings with learning materials to enhance student motivation and engagement. This can help students develop positive attitudes towards subjects they may have previously struggled with.