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If the child is a teen you're not going to be able to shape him into being a good choicemaker. A professional could help. With a younger child, it is easy. You find what he likes, and you remove it from him, or withhold it, when he doesn't perform the desired behavior. Answer People frequently mis-use the term "Classical Conditioning". The contributor above has described some of the basic elements of what is called "Operant Conditioning", and that is probably what you were asking about. You would not want to use Classical Conditioning on a child. I'm not sure that there would even be a way to do it that would give you results that you want. Classical Conditioning involves pairing an "unconditioned response", like salivation when given food, or the iris of the eye getting smaller when expose to stronger light, to a "conditioned stimulus", like the sounding of a bell. Think Pavlov. Repeatedly ring a bell just when you give food to a hungry dog. If you get the timing right, the dog will salivate when you ring the bell.

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Q: How do you use classical conditioning to shape behavior of an impulsive child?
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works to decrease impulsive behavior by getting the child to recognize the connection between thoughts and behavior, and to change behavior by changing negative thinking patterns.

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Did Watson use classical conditioning principles in a famous study of Little Hans?

Little Hans was a case study by Freud. It involved a child who was afraid of horses. You are probably confusing it with Little Albert, a study by Watson and Rayner. In this study, a loud bar was clanged when Albert approached a white rat. This is not classical conditioning, but operant conditioning, as the child is learning by trial and error.

Use impulsive in a child's sentence?

It is impulsive if you grab without asking first.

How do you write a sentence using the word impulsive?

The impulsive child went that-a-way.

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yes. EXAMPLE he is an impulsive child....he never thinks of the consequences

Example of conditioning?

In the context of psychology, conditioning refers to a learning process in which a behavior becomes more or less likely to occur as a result of reinforcement or punishment. For example, in classical conditioning, a dog salivating at the sound of a bell after being repeatedly paired with food. In operant conditioning, a child earning a sticker for completing chores and then being more likely to complete chores in the future.

Marcy is very afraid of dogs because when she was a child one bit her on the leg A behavioralist would say this fear is an example of what?

classical conditioning

What are the signs of ADD?

It is very hard to determine if your child has ADD or just tired, bored and not interested. Symptoms of ADD can be hyperactivity, not paying attention, trouble focusing, impulsive behavior and inability to sit still. Any concerns about your child's behavior should be discussed with his or her doctor.

Can you give a sentence using impulsive?

Type your answer here... It was the impulsive moment I jumped in to see to rescue the drowned child.

What does learned behavior mean in biology?

Learned behavior is a behavior that doesn't happen because of instinct. A rat runs a maize and learns that if goes s certain way he will get a treat at the end. This is classical conditioning and most animals respond to the stimuli of the food. People do too. A child who throws a fit each time he/she wants something and gets it is learning that if they throw a fit they will get what they want. This is learned behavior. To extinguish learned behavior takes doing something else to replace the behavior that is not wanted. This takes some effort because the learned behavior is part of behavior.

Examples of classical and operant conditioning?

Positive reinforcement: A child receives a 'golden star' at school for behaving well.Negative reinforcement: A child does his or her homework to stop her parents from nagging.Punishment: Grounding a child for behaving inappropriately.