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Q: How close are people to finding a cure to tourettes?
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Is there a vacine the can prevent tourettes?

No, there has not been a cure or vaccine that can prevent Tourettes made. We hope someday there might be

Are we close to knowing a cure for diabetes?

Scientists do believe that they are close to finding a cure for diabetes. Scientists are currently testing a possible enzyme cure on animals. I found the information at this link:

How to cure aids?

Unfortunately their is no cure for aids. Fortunately a place in Miami had cured aids on some people. But their is still no cure because they are still testing this medicine. So we are very very close from finding a cure for aids. Hopefully they can get this cure out in no time.

Does Touretts' syndrome have a cure?

no, as of now there is no cure for TS, but there are medications to help although they are usually reserved for the more severe cases because their side effects may out way the actual tourettes itself.

Does a cure in time saves nine make sense?

This can refer to finding a cure to a disease or sickness. It basically means if you find a cure in time, you can save a lot of people. The reason it uses nine people as how many people you would cure is soley on the purpose of ryming, it can really be any number of people.

What is tourettes syndrome and did Mozart have it?

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that can cause behaviorial outbursts and has no permanent cure and no Mozart did not have Tourette Syndrome he had ADHD.

Is there a cure for likiemia?

There is not a cure for leukemia but scientists are still working on finding a cure for this type of cancer.

When was Close to Me - The Cure song - created?

Close to Me - The Cure song - was created on 1990-10-22.

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Steve Jobs was very interested in finding a cure for cancer.

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finding a cure

What is the hardest thing to do in the world?

finding a cure for cancer