

Tourette's Syndrome

Tourette's Syndrome is a disorder characterized by vocal and movement tics that cause people to shout, blink their eyes or clear their throat spontaneously. The disorder is named after French neurologist Georges Gilles de la Tourette.

160 Questions

Is Tourette syndrome a single gene disorder?

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Tourette syndrome is not a single gene disorder; it is a complex neurological disorder with a multifactorial etiology. While genetics play a role in the development of Tourette syndrome, it is believed to be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors.

What type of mutation is tourettes syndrome?

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Tourette syndrome is believed to be a complex disorder with a combination of genetic and environmental factors contributing to its development. It is not caused by a single mutation, but rather likely involves several genetic variations that increase susceptibility to the disorder.

What is the name of the movie featuring a child with Tourette's syndrome?

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Tourette syndrome is a physical factor which causes muscle tissues to twitch. Tourette was a subject of recent film about a child with syndrome. The film was named "I Have Tourette's but Tourette's Doesn't Have Me". It was release in 2005.

Is tourette syndrome dominate or recessive?

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What chromosome is tourette's syndrome inherited on?

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Exactly? Well, it is a dominate gene and an autosomal condition, so if you do get only one copy from one parent, you still have a 50% chance of getting it. Each affected person usually has one affected parent. There is a 50% chance that a child will inherit the mutated gene. Conditions that are autosomal dominant often have low penetrance, which means that although only one mutated copy is needed, and a relatively (25% or half of those who get the gene in Tourettes case) small proportion of those who inherit that mutation go on to develop the disease.

It is hereditary but can become apparent in kids with no family history of any neurological condition, however because it is caused by neurological structure rather than psychological issues it is difficult to get outside of hereditary conditions.

Is Tourette's syndrome a karyotype or pedigree?

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Tourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder which can be caused by genetics or certain environmental factors. There is a certain gene which is said to be involved with the onset of TS, but not everyone diagnosed with the disorder has a genetic mutation. When a genetic mutation is present, it affects the chemical balance in neurons, causing the onset of motor and vocal tics.

Hope that answered your question.

Are there best to ideal careers for people who have Tourettes and OCD?

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I have a friend who has done very well as a legal clerk since he copies and organizes files for lawyers. He said the worst job he ever had was as a janitor since he kept redoing the floors. You may need help with a job development expert to determine the best job duties since OCD varies so widely.

Are Tourette Syndrome sufferers mentally handicapped?

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I would say no. I have TS, and I have a PhD in physics. I am regarded by my colleagues as being " very bright". In my observation, people with TS often have above average mental ability with a touch of obsessive compulsive behavior (useful for a job like mine). TS is not a handicap as much as it is a nuisance. The tics are at their worst during adolescence, and fade away for many in adulthood. If I had to admit any handicap at all, it would be social (kids can be mean to what they don't know) and mobility (after years of repetitive motion, my joints hurt), but certainly not mentally.

How long can tourettes syndrome last?

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Typically, for life. If your really lucky you might find your twitches lessen a lot as you grow older, but that is rare. Most are stuck with it, and for a few it actually gets worse later in life.

Does pot help with ADHD?

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It varies from person to person. Some doctors, such as Dr. Tom O'Connell, report that they have a number of hyperactive patients for whom pot has helped tremendously. Other people may have no benefit from it. No medicine is equally effective for everyone, but marijuana is definitely good for at least some people with hyperactivity. The only way to know if a medicine works for you is to try it.

Where does the name tourette syndrome come from?

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Tourette syndrome (TS) is an inherited disorder of the nervous system, characterized by a variable expression of unwanted movements and noises (tics). (Medical Encylopedia) For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated at the bottom of this answer box.

Why are people with tourettes often swearing?

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People with Tourette's syndrome are often found swearing because they are unable to control their compulsion. Only 10% of people who suffer from Tourette's syndrome struggle with compulsive swearing.

When does Tourette's Syndrome begin developing?

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Typically in childhood around age 5. However there have been rare cases reported of what is often termed adult-onset tic disorder NOS. NOS stands for Not otherwise specified.

What is it like being the parent of a child with tourettes?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's a curse in many ways. You don't have total control over your body and mind. You lack the social connection to really reach back. You can excel at art and many other talents and forums. But you always feel like an alien in an unholy land. And the wold seems to hate you with every fiber of their being for being so much as different.

Loud noises hurt your ears. And being around other people, you always feel like you're suffocating. And you always seem to be trying to shrink down and disappear. You stare at the ground a lot avoid eye contact as if it's looking directly into the sun with your naked eye.

You don't always curse a deep blue streak, but you do often have to say everything that comes to mind. And you don't always want to express yourself. And if you try to stop, you feel like a high pressured, shaken-up carbonated drink in a bottle ready to explode. Pain shooting all through your head. It's not just a headache. You actually feel like your skull will explode. But it doesn't. The pressure won't release. Unless you release it. In a way that will embarrass you and scare the rest of the world. Children laugh at it. But adults are frightened of it.

What is the name of the main character in The Tourettes Guy?

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Last name is unknown.

First name is Danny.

Apparently, His middle initial is A, but when asked what it stands for, he says "YOUR ASS!!!"

How should people act towards children with tourettes syndrome?

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Treat me just as you would anyone without Tourette's Disorder. I am who I am in spite of my tics.

Does Tourette syndrome affect sleep?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Mostly they sleep with their eyes closed.

Tourette's syndrome patients often have cause difficulty falling asleep. They may be restless during sleep, may talk during sleep or may sleepwalk or have nightmares.

People with Tourette's syndrome can also go a long while or a short time before having bouts of tics or noise-making. There is no rhyme or rule to this.

If you are wondering how do people with Tourette's sleep because they might tic a lot in their sleep and can't stand it themselves the answer is they can! Most of the time.

Have you ever had a cough from possibly a cold that made you cough all night? Eventually you go to sleep and your parents might say you coughed in your sleep. Not quite the same with Tourette's but close enough. See they don't do it in they're sleep. It stops as your body relaxes. But sometimes people have trouble falling asleep.

Can a person have ADHD ADD OCD and tourettes?

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Usually you are born with autism adhd and ocd , But peopel with autism also tend to have adhd and ocd

What part of the nervous system does tourette syndrome affect?

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Brain imaging techniques have shown subtle abnormalities in the basal ganglia area of the brain in some people, however another study showed changes in activity in the basal ganglia and prefrontal cortex.

How many people out of how many people get tourette's syndrome?

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Wikipedia lists the number as one in a hundred children , but if this number is correct it is also quite frightening!

How does a parent commit their child to a mental hospital?

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Someone with a mental health issue can only be admitted involuntarily if he/she is a danger to him/herself or others (if he or she is going to hurt someone) unless he/she is admitted.

Can you grow out of motor Tourette's?

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Most people with Tourette's syndrome do grow out of it. It usually manifests itself at around the age of seven and peaks by 14. By the early 20s it has usually gone away, although the OCD, ADHD, anxiety, or whatever else accompanies the Tourette's may last through adulthood with the actual tics associated with Tourette's only sometimes afflicting the person throughout their life.

How does Tourettes Syndrome affect families?

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Tourettes syndrome can affect families to an extreme. A child with tourette's is often accompanied with anxiety and extreme obsessions. In my families case my older brother has an extreme case of Tourette's which has made him scared to leave our house. It has put great pressure on my parents and has forced them to completely alter the way they live their lives. Constant fighting and a hate towards our brother is what has come out of this. Sorry if this answer is not the happy answer you were looking for. Just speaking the truth.

How do you prevent a child from getting tourettes?

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If I am right, you are asking this question because you yourself have the condition and what to avoid your child having it too. So I must say that as with ANY genetic condition, there is NO WAY to limit the chances of having a positive child. It is all just luck, like a game of Russian Roulette, but with a signifigantly bigger cylinder!