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No, snow is not crucial to the survival of penguins.

Most penguins are found in icy, snowy environments but there are some species that live on sandy or pebbled beaches or even in zoos.

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100 degrees>>>>very good question.

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Q: How cold do penguins need to survive?
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penguins need icebergs because the cold is there habitat so, they cant survive in a other biome i think exept the taiga.

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No, Penguins only live in the Antarctic, they need extremely cold weather to survive.

Can penguins live in Texas?

In a zoo yes. But they need to be in there own cold conditions. They couldn't randomly survive there

Do penguins need snow to survive?

they do not

When Antarctica getts hotter will this last foreever?

it is to cold in ant so hot comes less time for them because that penguins need cold so they can survive it.

How do the penguin survive?

The penguins huddle close together in cold weather.

Why do penguins live in the cold?

panguans need the cold

What the Emperor penguins special needs?

The Emperor penguins are the largest penguins and have the special need to fatten up before breeding season or a moult, they can eat up to triple the usual daily food intake. Because of the extreme cold, the penguins have adapted to survive.

Would cold climate penguins survive in warm climate?

All penguins are cold-climate. Some can adapt better than others, and some will be able to move further inland. The ones that need sea ice to survive are the ones that are in the most trouble because moving inland (to colder areas) is not an option.

Where is in that is 130 degrees below 0 but penguins can survive?

Antarctica, although it doesn't get anywhere near that cold where penguins live.