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Assuming there are any sperm in the pre=cum, cold is not the problem. Sperm can be frozen and used later. Drying out would be the issue. Once it is dry, that would take care of it. Pre-cum = cum = semen = sperm and prostatic fluid. They are all the same. It's ideal temperature is 98.6 degrees Far. At this temp. they live approx. 48 hours.

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Sperm are produced best at about 4-5 degrees below body temperature, but when they are emitted, they are at your current body temperature (which will likely be elevated considering what you're doing then).

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Q: How cold does it need to be for sperm to die?
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If the testes become too cold or too warm will sperm form?

No, it will not. The sperm are housed outside of the body because it is too warm inside. If it becomes too warm, the sperm will die. If it is way too cold, it will die as well.

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What happens when your sperm comes out cold?

Ejaculate is about body temperature when it leaves the body. It may feel cold because it is a relatively thin globule of fluid which probably flew through the air a short distance just before you touched it. Where the sperm is made and stored, the testicles, are kept a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the body in the scrotum. This is because body temp is high enough to kill the sperm. But on the way out, the sperm passes through the body and is joined with fluids that are body temperature, so by the time it leaves the body, it should be pretty close to body temperature.

Is it normal for sperm to be cold?

Actually it is normal for your sperm to be cold. Seeing as the internal body temperature is 45 degrees Fahrenheit, it only makes sense that your sperm should be cold. It is the best temperature to support life.

Which organ is the site for spermatogenisis?

The scrotum needs to be able to move away from the body and closer to it depending on the need for heat. If your body is to hot the sack will expand and move away from your body and if it becomes to cold it will tighten and move into your body. This is all done with sperm production in mind as if its too hot or cold the sperm will die.

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the sperm just die

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the sperm just die

Is it true that if you pour cold water on your testicles your sperm count and testosterone will increase?

Yes cold water on the testicles help the sperm and testosterone to increase.