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Very cold & wet. Trenches were extremely miserable places to live in. Remember the trenches are mainly outdoors. Some trench lines had underground bunkers connected to them, that could be heated the old fashioned way.

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Q: How cold were the trenches in winter in World War 1?
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What does the trenches mean in World War 1?

they fought in the trenches ww1 was known as a war in the trenches

Does Cold War mean when people fight in trenches?

is A

How long did the trenches stretch and were trenches used during World War 2?

Trenches were a trademark of the first World War. They were extensive and elaborate. They were not used in World War II. Are you trying to find out the length of ALL the trenches together?

How was it like living in the trenches in World War 1?

No fun at all. Dirty. Muddy. Smelly. Wet. Cold. Disease. Rats. Yet, the trenches were the only places that offered a modicum of safety for soldiers in this war.

How many men died in the trenches of World War I?

Over 200,000 men died in the trenches of World War 1.

Where did the men in world war 1 sleep?

at first they slept in lorries and later they started to sleep in the cold dirty floors of the trenches.

What were trenches like in world war 1?

The Trenches were grotty , digusting and they had no room

What were the World War 1 trenches like?

The Trenches were grotty , digusting and they had no room

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Is there Summary of What was life like in the trenches during World War 1?

Cold, Wet, Muddy, Bloody, Dead Bodies, Rats, Little Food.

Why wern't trenches used in World War 2?

Trenches were used in both WWI and WWII.

Was the trenches small in world war 2?

What a bone question. The trenches were big enough to fit into.