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at first they slept in lorries and later they started to sleep in the cold dirty floors of the trenches.

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Q: Where did the men in world war 1 sleep?
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Where did the soldiers sleep during world war 1?

no they sleep at the travvel lodge in London

Where did the soilders of World War 1 sleep?

Inside the trenches there is dugouts. They would sleep in there.

Did men fight in World War I?

Yes, many men fought in the world war 1. There were soldiers as well as ordinary men.

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the men werent there at the time

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To symbolise the men who died for us in World War 1

How many men died in the trenches of World War I?

Over 200,000 men died in the trenches of World War 1.

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To symbolise the men who died for us in World War 1

What was a sump in the trenches of World War 1?

a hole you poo into and where they sleep