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Starch consists of a large number of sugar molecules. You may have seen a revolving door or a turnstile. Only one person at a time can go through. Imagine a group of people holding hands walking up to it. They can not go through. That is like a starch molecule. Little miss sugar molecule walks past them and goes through. Then the group goes to the large intestine. When a bacterium eats the first one the second one lets go of the third one and becomes another little miss sugar. She then goes through the thin wall of the large intestine to meet the other miss sugar in the liver.

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Q: How come glucose can get through cell wall of the small intestine and starch can't?
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What food molecule starch or glucose will pass easily through the wall of the small intestine?

glucose because it can easily break down by enzymes than starch

What is the break down of dietary starch to glucose in to small intestine is considered?


How does Glucose enter the Small Intestine?

glucose generated by digestion of starch or lactose is absorbed in the small intestine only by cotransport with sodium, a fact that has exceptionally important implications in medicine.

When potato material is broken down in the small intestine what are the subunits?

When the material of a potato is broken down in the small intestine, it is eventually broken down into glucose. The subsets are starch, maltose, maltase, and finally glucose.

How are starches broken down?

Starch is first digested into maltose in the mouth when the salivary enzyme (amylase) acts on it. Starch is not digested in the stomach. carbohydrases convert the remaining starch into glucose, the simplest form of sugar in the small intestine . Maltase also converts maltose to glucose in the small intestine.

How does the glucose travels from the small intestine to the arms?

Through the bloodstream

Which part of body digest starches?

Starch is broken down by amylase enzymes, released in the saliva, and in the small intestine.

What does starch solution represent?

My guess is that the starch and glucose mixture is supposed to represent the starch and glucose molecules in our body, and how only the smaller molecules can pass through the walls of the small intestines.

What happens when starch boiled?

Starch is energy for our body, glucose can not be stored so it is stored as starch, but before this starch can be used as energy to our body, it must be turned back into glucose, this is done by amylase, it breaks down the starch back into glucose so it can be used.

How is dialysis tubing similar to a small intestine?

Both the dialysis (cellulose) tubing and the small intestine are selectively permeable. Meaning they allow only some and not all substances to pass through. E.g. Glucose (small molecule of sugar) is able to pass through, however Starch (larger molecule of sugar) fails to do so. Hope this helps

What does amylase break down?

Amylase breaks down starch molecules into sugar. It is produced in the salivary glands, the pancreas and the small intestine.

What is the condition in which the small intestine cannot absorb nutrients from the food that passes through it?
