

Best Answer

There are several likely reasons-

1. Many of the questioners are very young people- some are pre-teens.

2. In some instances, English is the second (or 3rd or 4th) language ofthe questioner- we DO get questions from several nations.

3. Some questioners are in a hurry, and make common spelling mistakes

3A. Some questioners are in a hurry and make common typing mistakes

4. The public schools (in my humble opinion) poorly educate many students in the basics of English, including spelling and grammar.

Now, are you certain there is not an error in grammar is YOUR question?

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Q: How come most people that post questions on here cannot spell worth a crap and have such pitiful grammar skills?
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What discourages you in work environment?

People who use bad grammar in their questions.

Why is it that this website never helps?

Because people cannot spell or use grammar correctly.

Why is it that a lot of questions asked on this site are either incoherent or are so grammatically poor that they are incomprehensible?

Because not everybody speaks English as a first language. Therefore it may be difficult for them to find the right words for their questions. Some people also suffer conditions such as Dyslexia which causes them difficulty in reading and writing. Contributors should correct the grammar in poorly-worded questions or, if the grammar cannot be fixed, the contributor should report the question to a Supervisor.

Why do you think it is that people who usually pose questions on WikiAnswers have terrible grammar?

You have to remember - there is no minimum age limit on here - kids as young as five could be answering. People of that age have no concept of what grammar and spelling is !

Why do so many people ask questions on this site that cannot be answered simply because the grammar is so bad that the question is not readable?

Because not ALL of the members on this website have proper grammar skills, let alone the full English language, sometimes we have to cope with their grammar and do our best to either edit it or read it to the best of our ability. Honestly, there is a lot of reasons as to why someone has bad grammar usage, depends on the person. The site is open to all ages and to people for whom English is not a first language.

How much are pizza?

I recommend checking your grammar, because most people need complete logical sentences to answer questions.

What is the limits of science?

science cannot answer questions about what people should do

Why are the people helping a guy when its wrong?

He's either pitiful or rich.

Why do all the users of this website have really bad grammar?

Not all users of this website use incorrect grammar. People come here to ask general questions. If this was a very specific website for academics, you may expect a different standard. It is also my personal belief that if you can answer questions, regardless of the grammar that you use, you are helping someone. It may serve you well to not get too hung up on it as the internet is rife with "bad grammar"

Why cannot you give me a straight answer?

Because random people are anwering your questions, such as I.

Why does Answers answer the questions of the people?

because one cannot question a question.....

Why didn't the people who contribute questions pay attention in English and Grammar class?

Because the state didn't require them to pass the class.