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Noble gases have completely filled orbitals. They generally have 8 valence electrons (helium has only 2) and obey octet rule (stable electronic configuration). Hence they are chemically inert (or do not react with other elements) and generally don't form covalent compounds

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11y ago

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals. They generally have 8 valence electrons (helium has only 2) and have stable electronic configuration. Hence they are chemically inert and generally donot form compounds under normal conditions.

But it should be noted that at high temperature, xenon does form covalent compounds like XeF4, XeF6, XeOF2, XeOF4 etc.

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When there are ions there are charges. When you form a covalent bond you do not lose or gain electrons, you just share them therefore there would be no ion (charge).

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10y ago

Noble gases have completely filled outer most shell. They are chemically inert and hence do not form covalent or ionic compounds at standard temperature and pressure.

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Q: How come noble gases don't form covalent bonds?
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Covalent bonds do not usually come apart in water.

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Molecular and covalent bonds aren't really the same. It is chemical bonds that hold molecules together. These chemical bonds might be called molecular bonds, and they come in two basic flavors: ionic bonds and covalent bonds. A molecular bond might be covalent, but it might be ionic, and that's the difference.

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They only differ from regular covalent bonds because both oth electrons come from one atom. In other respects a coordinate covalent bons is simply a covalent bond as both electrons are shared between two atoms.

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Singe, double, and triple bonds

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Ionic Bonds- When a metal and a nonmetal come together and loses or gains an electron. Covalent Bonds- Two nonmetals that share one or more electrons. Both bonds bonds together to form a stable, complete or filled outer shell of 8 valance electrons.

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Covalent bonds form between non-metal molecules. Covalent bonds come in 2 kinds: polar and nonpolar. If the two atoms bonding have an electronegativity difference of less than .5, then the bond is usually considered nonpolar covalent. If the difference is greater than .5 but less than 2 the bond is usually considered polar covalent.

How come noble gases do not compounds readily?

Their outer energy levels are completely filled.

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Chemical bonds come in two varieties. They can be either covalent or ionic. The bonds where they share electrons is called covalent bond and is stronger than ionic bonds where one molecule gives up its electrons to the other.

Which group of elements is very stable and nonreactive?

The class of noble gases (Helium, Neon etc. in group 18) There are two groups that come to mind when talking stability: the noble gases and the coinage metals. The noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn) are very chemically stable and do not readily form compounds. Note that although Radon is chemically stable, it's not stable from a nuclear standpoint and will decay (but it is not reactive in the chemical sense). The coinage metals (such as gold, silver, and copper) are very unreactive. Note that the further an element is from Au on the periodic table, the more reactive it is (obviously the Noble gases do not follow this trend).

How come noble gases do not form compound readily?

Their outer energy levels are completely filled.

What types of elements come together to form ionic compounds?

An ionic compound forms when elements form ionic bonds. Ionic bonds almost exclusively form when a metal bonds to a nonmetal. In periodic trends, an element from the far right of the periodic table (to the right of the bolded "steps") bonds to an element from anywhere else on the table.