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All Christians believe it is on a Sunday , only Jews believe it falls on Saturday.


Christians worship on Sunday because they believe the early church began meeting on Sundays soon after Christ rose from the dead, in honor of Jesus' resurrection, which took place on Sunday, or the first day of the week. In 1st Corinthians 16:1-2 Paul instructed the churches to meet together on the first day of the week (Sunday).

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination who observe Saturday, the original seventh day of the Judeo-Christian week, as the Sabbath.

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12y ago

Because the catholic church changed the sabbath to Sunday due to the resurrection of Christ on that day.

Constantine (the 1st Catholic) did force people to go on Sunday or die, and the catholic church say the pope is Jesus Christ which give him the right to change what ever law he wants to change. The question is: Do you obey man or God? God is the 1st one to Rest on the Sabbath and it's not Jewish, God make it for ALL mankind. Didn't Christ teach on the Sabbath? Yes! Didn't Paul teach on the Sabbath and have to take a vow to prove he kept God's Laws? Yes! Is Christ our example? 1 Peter 2:21 says Yes!

So if we are suppose to imitate Christ, should we also keep God's Laws? Besides the Sabbath is the 4th commandments. Also Yeshua is His real name which i'm sure He want's us to use it, it means Salvation. And His fall Feast hasn't been fulfilled yet either. He died for Passover, buried for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and raised to present Himself as the Firstfruits of those who sleep, He sent is Holy Spirit on the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and well return around the Feast of Trumpets (He shorten time for the elects sake) and Tabernacles we'll keep with Him during the 1,000 years - Zech.14 check it out!

But only Messianic Believers so far keep all these Feast and try to be like Messiah Yeshua. But LOVE is First, even if we all don;t agree alike, He will help us when the time is right, just love your neighbor as yourself-just try!

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9y ago
God didn't make "Christians"... He made one man and one woman... [God made SEX] from whom all of humanity descended. They began their existence with no religious affiliation or preconceived likes, dislikes or prejudices.
This Creator God only made ONE WEEKLY SABBATH day... on the seventh day of the re-creation of the earth [see Gen. 2:2-3]. He made the Sabbath for ALL MEN!

With the establishment of the Sabbath day, He established the "seven-day weekly cycle;" that the world still uses today. And the day at the end of this repetitious seven-day cycle REMEMBERS CREATION!

That's the purpose of the Sabbath day -- FOR MAN TO REMEMBER CREATION! And until this Creator God recruited Moses centuries later to write it down for us today in these "last days" [see Acts 7:38]... this Sabbath was known, understood and kept by His Faithful servants:

"...Abraham Obeyed My voice, and keptMy charge, My Commandments [see the Fourth one; Ex.20:8-11], My statutes, and My Laws." (Gen.26:5 KJV)

"REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY to KEEP IT HOLY." (Ex.20:8 KJV) The Fourth Commandment reads.

God MADE the seventh-day of the week "holy." He "sanctified" it; which means He "set it aside from all the other days of the week FOR HIS HOLY USE." And that use and purpose was [and is] to "remind man that He was CREATED"... that he has a Creator... and that his life has a purpose. We are not a "cosmic accident" as the "beliefs" of the "religion of evolution" teaches: Creation Without A Creator.

God's Sabbath day isn't a "Jewish" Sabbath, or a "Christian" Sabbath, or any other man's or religion's Sabbath -- it's THE LORD's SABBATH!

"Six days shalt thou labor [earn your living], and do all thy work: but the seventh day is THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD: in it thou shalt not do ANY WORK, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for IN SIX DAYS THE LORD MADE [created] heaven and earth, the sea, and ALL THAT IN THEM IS, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and HALLOWED IT." (Ex.20:9-11)

If man would have "remembered" the LORD's hallowed, sacred, sanctified Sabbath day every seventh day as He commanded man to do, then man wouldn't be teaching "evolution" [creation without a Creator] in the world, today.

But because man rejected God's Laws from the beginning and disobeyed his Creator... sin [disobedience to God's Laws -- I John 3:4] has caused man to "forget" his Creator and creation.

God's Faithful servants know this, and "remember" their Creator and creation. They know Him, today, as "Jesus Christ," the WORD of God who, in the beginning:

"...was in the beginning with God [the One who would become His Father when He later became a flesh and blood man]. All things [the universe] WERE MADE BY HIM; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:2-3 KJV)

Jesus Christ, the Almighty Creator WORD of God, made the Sabbath day FOR MAN [the day after man was made], to remember his Creator, and that he was God's special creation, destined to become God's Immortal Children and Family.

"The [Holy] Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the Children of God..." (Rom.8:16).

But because man "forgot to remember creation and his Creator"... in these last days of religious confusion, of global distress, and the final allotted days of man's errant rule on the earth; every so often someone will consider the Laws of his Creator and ask: 'What day is the Sabbath; and what's it for?'
But, mostly, men don't consider the Laws of God; the Fourth of which is His Sabbath Law. Even a deceived modern professing "Christianity" doesn't consider the LORD's Sabbath... not knowing the god they truly worship and obey. They observe instead the "day of the sun god, Baal"... a day of heathen worship since man first sinned in the beginning.

Modern professing Christianity says that they "keep Sunday" because that's the day "Christ rose from the dead." But where in God's written Word does their so-called "Christian God" command them to do this?

The Truth of the Scriptures reveals that when the women got to the tomb early on "our Sunday morning" [the first day of the week, by the Scriptures - see Matt.28:1]... Jesus was ALREADY RISEN and GONE! He wasn't ris-ING! Risen is "past tense"... not present tense.

But all that notwithstanding... where in the Bible does Jesus Christ [or His Father in heaven] command anyone to "REMEMBER Jesus' resurrection by KEEPING SUNDAY [or the first day of the week?"

Where in the Bible, anywhere, does God abrogate His Fourth Sabbath Commandment and establish "Sunday-keeping" -- or for anyone to "REMEMBER SUNDAY?"

Answer: nowhere.

The "LORD's SABBATH remembers CREATION." And if the LORD [Jesus Christ, the Almighty Creator God of the Old Testament - John 1:1-3] had "rested on the FIRST DAY," then NOTHING WAS CREATED -- and therefore "we DID evolve from nothing."

"Jesus Christ kept the Commanded Sabbath day" [see Luke 4:16]... the day that He established on the seventh day of creation.

And Jesus Christ fully admits to anyone willing to listen and believe what He says, that HE IS THE LORD WHOSE SABBATH IT IS! [see Mark 2:28]

The LORD Jesus Christ commands His servants to "remember" His DEATH [on the Passover]... not His resurrection [on Sunday].

"...this DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME." (Luke 22:19)

He had to do this in order to redeem His creation back from the god to whom man sold himself in the beginning. He had to do this because "man forgot to remember his Creator from the beginning!"

Jesus Christ is the LORD of the Sabbath. And the seventh day Sabbath of the Divinely-inspired seven-day week that's still extant in the world REMEMBERS HIM!

It always did... and it always will.
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9y ago

The vast majority of Christian churches and ministers/pastors/priests teach that the 10 Commandments of God are no longer required to be used as a standard of behavior for followers - although they still teach that they may be good as a 'moral guide.' And the few churches that really still claim to teach the Ten Commandments, do so with a watered down version, especially of the 1st, 2nd. 4th, 7th, and 10th - the 4th is keeping holy the Sabbath which most totally neglect. This was not the Church of God Jesus and the Apostles left us. Truly, most all in this world have been deceived:

Revelation 12:9New King James Version (NKJV)

9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

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Did Jesus observe the Jewish Sabbath?

Probably, although there was controversy about healing a man on the Sabbath when he was alive.

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I don't think it is.

What religions observe the sabath on sat?

Jews observe the Sabbath from Friday night at sundown, until Saturday night at sundown.

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The "true Sabbath", if one wishes to observe it as it was original set out in the Torah, starts Friday sundown and ends Saturday sundown.

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Christianity and in that a group called 'Seventh Day Adventist' which the sabbath is their holy day which is Saturday. They do not work / party from friday night to saturday night as a time of rest and reflection to God about the good he has done in their lives

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Jesus observed 1,700 Sabbaths.

Why didn't the cowardly dragon observe the sabbath?

because he only preyed on weak knights.

Why Don't people believe in Sabbath?

Some people are workaholics who believe resting is "wrong and bad".Answer:Sabbath days are established by religions for their followers or believers, As a consequence those who are not members of that religion would not observe that specific sabbath day. Some people belong to no religion, have no religious affiliation or belong to philosophies that have no sabbath days. In that case they would not have to observe any sabbath day.

Did Russian Jews have their sabbath on Friday Saturday or Sunday?

Jews all over the world, including Russia, observe the Sabbath from Friday sundown to Saturday night.

Do Christian's observe a weekly holy day?

yes, it's called the Sabbath, and it's on Sunday.

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Assuming Stephanie Meyer is a member of the Church "In Good Standing" (I have heard she is, but that is between her bishop and her), she observes the Sabbath every Sunday.