

How come people drink energy drinks?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Basically to get more energy. Hence, ENERGY drink.

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Q: How come people drink energy drinks?
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What is in monster energy drinks that make you addicted?

Cocaine. ****** Ignore that. It's caffiene. If you drink it regularly, then your body will come to depend upon it.

Where does a drinks can come from?

from a factory that makes drinks where the drink itself is sealed within the can.

Where does a can come from?

from a factory that makes drinks where the drink itself is sealed within the can.

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Why do athletes drink high powered drinks and what do they contain that is beneficial during exercise?

Energy drinks are still a grey field as far as the FDA is concerned, But know this (and you can look on the side of every energy drink on the market). The FDA has not approved the use of energy drinks or the finding of the company making them, nor do they dissapprove. But what makes most energy drinks, energy drinks, is the same thing that is in your morning coffee, Caffeine. A main ingredient in the most popular drinks such as Gatorade and the like, is sodium and electrolytes, which are proven good for you, but like most things, in moderation. Here is the big reason most athletes drink these; they work out from 2 to 6 hours a day, sometimes more, to maintain their fitness level required for their performance, because of this the body looses A LOT of sodium and electrolytes, hence they need to replenish, and in a liquid form is easiest for the body to recuperate. You won't see many athletes consume energy drinks other than Gatorade, powerade, etc. The other side of the energy drink market is what you see in the soda coolers underneath or next to coke and pepsi. Monster, Amp, Reload, and drinks like these, Which have mostly Caffeine like I said earlier, and other vitamins and minerals which the findings of the company producing these say they help you. But again, look on the side of the can and you will see the FDA warning. Unless you work out around 2 or more hours a day, heavily, all you need to drink is plain water, if you want a little taste with your water, get some crystal light, it has 0 calories and no harmful chemicals to your workout. Also another note, I am not approving or dissapproving the use of such drinks, i do not drink coffee or any energy drinks though, sometimes i grab a Gatorade or powerade after a strenuous workout. Another study I have come across is an unspecified link between ginseng, which also is in a number of these drinks, has been linked to chronic headaches. Again I do not approve or dissapprove this study.

I had 2 energy drinks earlier in the day and for a while now I have not been able to stop moving. I feeal as if i have too much energy and i have to keep moving. Is there something wrong with me?

Yes. Anyone who would drink two 'energy' drinks in rapid succession is foolish.If you don't 'come down' within a few hours, call your doctor or go to the emergency room.Whatever else they do or prescribe, they'll tell you to reduce your use of stimulants in thefuture.

Why do Irish get drunk?

Germany, Ireland and Luxemburg are some of the countries with the highest alcohol consumption each year. But Ireland is famous for its many famous alchoholic drinks including bulmers and guinnes. 50 years ago it was very common for the father of the household to go to the pub after dinner and have a few drinms but nos this is very rare. Because Ireland is famous for its beverages many many tourists drink while on holiday causing the consumption levels to be so high! Although many Irish people may have a few drinks while out on the town on a Friday or Saturday night or after Sunday lunch and especy at parties as would any other person of a different nationality.

Is there a drink that make you stronger?

Yes. Any nutritional drinks are good. Milk is a good example. Strength come from good health

Why does the drink not freeze in a vending machine?

Because of the sugar content. People who buy drinks from vending machines want something liquid, that they can actually drink. It would defeat the whole purpose of the vending machine if the temperature were set so low that the drinks freeze. It is also true, as the first answer states, that carbonated, sweetened beverages in cans do not freeze as easily as pure water would in an open container. To some extent, these drinks come with their own anti-freeze.

Do people get water belly and if so how and what does it come from?

Water belly is common in runners and track athletes. In order to stay hydrated runners have to drink a lot of water, but if someone drinks too much water, they get water belly.