

How come sometimes couples argue over the stupidest things?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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because that's just how couples are sometimes and because they love each other :)

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Q: How come sometimes couples argue over the stupidest things?
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I think it depends on the topic they argued with. It means that, if is only simple things, thses can be talked and settled. But if the topic they ague always is useless and nonsense yet they keep on repeating this , it is not healthy for the realtionship. There is a tendency that the more they argue, the more they lost self respect, and love.

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If anything they might argue over expenses. One person might splurge a little money while the other remains slightly frugal. Eventually it will be addressed and an argument will most likely happen.

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people argue sometimes. Thats just the way it is.

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Yes they can. Its ussually hard to argue with these people or talk them out of stupid things. Sometimes these people shoud be avoided. Theres nothing wrong with confidence but too much of anything is not.

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I argue for stupid things really like for not moving my dishes and drinking glasses. I need to change the way I say things and probably it will make me feel better and get me into less trouble.

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