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Lack of effort, or lack of proper grammar or language knowledge are two possibilities. There are also plenty of pranksters, also known as "trolls", on any website.

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Q: How come soooo many people that use this site type in questions that make no sense?
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Can you answer the question when you come up with the response?

it depends on whether the questions makes sense to readers. :-)

Why come people ask such stupid questions on this site tent color really?

Does that include this question - which makes absolutely no sense ! Your question should have started with the words 'why do..' or 'how come... not 'why come...' ! Additionally - what on earth has the colour of a tent got to do with the question !

Do some people come on this site just to answer questions?

Yes, of course. Many people come to WikiAnswers solely to share their knowledge and answer questions.

How come the vast majority of questions on wikianswers don't make much sense?

Because anyone can answer

Where do these people come up with these ridiculous questions?

Probably because the questions are meant as a joke.

Do the people who answer these questions get paid?

No, the questions are answered by people who come to the site, voluntarily. There are no pay agreements between the people who answer the questions and the website. Interest and passion to share knowledge is what is driving wikianswers.

Where do all of the questions in WikiAnswers come from?

They come from all over the world, from people like you.

What are the authors for this site?

No authors. We are various people who like to answer questions. Some do come on here and make silly answers or try to sell, but there are supervisors who correct and monitor the questions and answers. For the most part people are knowledgeable in their subject areas. You can tell when it is a child just making up an answer. If it doesn’t make sense double check on it.

How does a piloted vehicles?

I wish i could sit around all day and come up with questions that didnt make any sense.

If you can change one thing what's it?

The idiotic questions people come up with!

Who works on WikiAnswers?

People that come across answers they are able to answer. You could answer questions.

How come this website DOESN'T help people?

people don't ask the questions right so they can be answered.