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Because there is no definitive evidence that such things as ghosts exist.

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Q: How come we don't see ghosts?
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Could cats see ghosts?

No, cats cannot see ghosts as they do not exist. Ghost are just a figure of people's imagination. I repeat GHOSTS DONT EXIST!

How come I can see ghosts?

they come to life when you take a pic. or that's just the ghost itself

How do you find out if you can see ghosts or not?

Well for starters you can get somebody with super nautural gifts to come and see if your house is haunted or where you think you can see ghosts. If so can you feel a presence or see a spirit then you can see ghosts, if you are unhappy with a ghost in your house you can get a priest to blease your house then the ghost is supossed to go.

How do you recognize ghosts?

you dont they dont exist.

Can ghosts hold your hand if yes why?

i dont think so, but im not saying i dont believe in ghosts.

Are ghosts fictional?

Ghosts do exist. They usually come back to tell people that they love them and that they didn't have time to say goodbye. Ghosts get stronger the longer they exist, that's why you can see some ghosts and some you can only feel.

Do ghosts have toes?

No because ghosts dont need toes they float

Do ghosts come out in Alcatraz?

No there is no such thing as ghosts.

In what order did ghosts come?

There is no such things as ghosts!!!!!!!

How easy is it to see ghosts?

Ghosts are very difficult to see.

How do you tell if you can see ghosts?

If you think you see ghosts, give it a week or so to actually see if you really do. If you believe you do see ghosts, I will tell you if you do or dont. I see ghosts myself and will tell you that when you do see a ghost and you are a child you may start out by seeing things out of the corner of your eye. They will look like shadowy black figures. When you go to look at what is you find that it is not there. Once you hit the age of 11 you are still seeing the figures but starting to see the faces. Soon as you get older you will see them. They can tell if you can see them. So they will just stare at you like they do to me. It creeps me out. Good luck!! =D

Why do i see certain ghosts?

because most people have the technique to see ghosts.