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You do actually. When you log-in it shows how many days in a row you have logged in. After 7 or so days of logging in straight you get stars.

Hope this helps :)

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Q: How come you don't get daily stars on fantage anymore?
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Fantage is free! Have fun : chatting, playing games, and doing missions, and being a reporter! And there is lots more on fantage! So come along and join!

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After a few months or never.

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i think it was 2008 in September not sure though.

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How do you get free stuff on Fantage?

that's does NOT work! i have a cool tip: on instant messenger on fantage type this: That's One Crazy Monkeyand a dancing monkey will come on!

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come to fantage 7 or 6 dayz in a row and you'll receive 350 ecoins

What is peabody's password on fantage?

i have been trying to hack peabody like for ever but now i know the pass for it .so the pass is some thing and i am only telling it for a rare mem fantage account. my account name is nithasana.then message me or follow or come to my fantage home to trade accounts. Thank u! Fantage on!