

How come you got no gray hair?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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well im only 13 years old, my mom said i wont get it after one million pretzels years.

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Q: How come you got no gray hair?
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yes since I have seen yorkies with blue gray hair Mine had the blue gray hair when we got him at 8mos.

Does hair turn gray or come IN gray?

Hair goes grey because pigment cells in the hair base at the roots of the hair stop producing melanin.

If you pluck a gray hair do more gray hairs come back?

yes it could grow back.

Does Sasori come back with white gray hair?

no people used 2 draw him with white/gray hair before he appeared in the show because they didnt know what colour his hair was

Has the pope got gray hair?

The current pope, Benedict XVI, has white hair. He is beyond the grey stage.

Can a visit to a different country make hair go gray?

Going to a different country will not necessarily make your hair turn gray. How early someone may get gray hair is determined by our genes. Most people get gray hairs around the same age their grandparents got gray hairs. In addition, stress can damage the melanin, which gives the growing shaft of hair it's color.

What was Samuel de champlains hair color?

Well alot of men back then had either black hair or gray barely any brown or mabey alittle dark brown he recently had brown hair when he was till 22 then got black hair and i think cause alot of people said that when he went sailing he had black hair and then when he got older of course he got gray hair i hope that answers your question

Why does she have long gray streaks of hair?

if you are talking about Stacy London, then they are natural she got them when she was 11, or 12

Why does people hair turn gray when they get old?

Hair turns gray as people age due to a decrease in melanin production in the hair follicles. Melanin is the pigment responsible for giving hair its color. As we age, our hair follicles produce less melanin, causing hair to appear gray or white.

What color was Samuel Adams hair?

Brown in his younger years. when he got older it was silver/white.

What happens when you pluck a gray hair?

Nothing happens when you pluck a gray hair

Is there any such thing as gray hair or does the hair simply look gray because of the mixture of colored and white hairs?

There is something called gray hair as there is both black , white and that hair in between black and white is seen as gray hair.