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Yeast infections are so common that nearly $2 billion is spent yearly to cure this often recurring condition. Yeast infections affect women a lot more than men. Probably because yeast thrives in dark, moist places. Anybody knows where that is?

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Q: How common are yeast infections?
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Related questions

What are the most common causes of yeast infections?

The most common causes of yeast infections are using scented soaps and oils in the bath water or shower. A good home remedy for yeast infections is drinking cranberry juice at the first sign of infection.

Do transsexuals get yeast infections?

They can. Both men and women get yeast infections.

Can viral infections cause yeast infections?

Yeast infections usually happen in warm, moist parts of the body, such as mouth, and moist areas of skin. When an infection causes in the vagina, it is known as vulvovaginal candidiasis. Vaginal yeast infections are common in growing girls, and about 75% of all females will have same problems in their day to day life.

What is diflucan prescribed for?

It is used to treat vaginal yeast infections.

Do guys get yeast infections more than girls?

No because guys dont get yeast infections

Is foul smell during pregnancy a problem?

Have it checked by a doctor but yeast infections are quite common when pregnant.

What is the causes of yeast infections?

A yeast infection is caused when your body's "bad" bacteria become unbalanced and thus, the catalyst of a yeast infection. Basically, yeast infections occur when there's an overgrowth of fungus or yeast Candida in the vaginal area. Even though you naturally have a small amount of yeast living in the vagina, once it grows out of control is when it becomes a problem. Also women with suppressed immune systems are more prone to yeast infections. If you're taking antibiotics, that also has the potential to cause a yeast infection. The causes of yeast infections vary from person to person, but the above are the most common causes!

What are some common yeast infections symptoms?

An individual with a yeast infection can experience a wide range of symptoms. For example, genital itching or foul discharge is common. Alternatively, some women experience no symptoms.

What common human skin disease is caused by imperfect fungi?

yeast infections and ringworm also athletes foot

Is nystatin cream usp used for yeast infection on 5yr old girl?

yes this is a common used cream for yeast infections especially in children normally due to overuse of antibiotics that caused the yeast infection.

What is the most common microorganism manipulated for genetic engineering?

For Bacteria: E. coliFor Eukaryotes: Probably Saccharomyces cerevisiae (the yeast that makes beer and bread) or Candida albicans (Very common yeast that causes infections in humans).

How can you tell if a man has a yeast infection?

A man that has a yeast infections may experience burning, itching or a rash around the penis. Yeast infections are not considered STD's , Never the less unprotected sex may mean a pardner can catch it as well. Yeast infections can be caused by a course of antibiotics that kills off the friendly flora in the gut. When that happens, candida albican can form, the infection that is responsible for yeast infections. Yeast infections treated with medications such as Monistat, which can be used by men and women.