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I am a Labor and Deliver Nurse at a very busy birthing hospital (I usually see 2-3 births per day) and haven't seen a "blood free" delivery yet. I don't think that ever happens.

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Q: How common is a no blood delivery during childbirth?
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HIV infection lies in DNA of the nucleus of the cell. Normally no cells pass from mother to fetus. There is layer of placenta to prevent this. But this barrier is broken during the delivery. There is mixing of blood from the mother and fetus. So your doctor will like to go for Caesarean section delivery in such case. She will give some drugs also to prevent the risk of HIV transmission.HIV does not pass from mother to foetus during the pregnancy. Blood of mother and foetus is not get mixed in such cases. It can pass during the normal delivery, when the mother's blood can get mixed with the blood of foetus. That is why the delivery by operation is indicated in such cases. Your doctor will give you some medication to minimize the risk.

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should not blood on the sweb but infection is compound then blood possible

Can cesarean section prevent the child from getting HIV?

Elective cesarean section will prevent transmission of HIV in most cases. There are chances of mother's blood getting mixed up with the blood of the fetus during normal vaginal delivery. This is largely prevented in elective cesarean section delivery.

Is it possible for a woman to literally rip open her belly during childbirth?

actually, one can sustain contractions and dilations of blood vessels- but what you describe- as opposed to some sort of Caesarian operation, can happen.

Can a person with AB plus blood group marry a person with O plus?

Blood groups have nothing to do with marriage or even sexual relations. Blood groups come into play for transfusions and sometimes childbirth. It is important during times that large quantities of blood are being exchanged, because the body can reject certain types if they are not compatible.

Is it possible to have a child when the mother having blood type AB and the father having blood type o?

Yes, blood type combinations have no relevance on the viability of childbirth.

My wifes blood pressure is some what high after delivery will it be controlled?

The high blood pressure of your wife can be controlled after delivery using a 24 hour magnesium drip.