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YES, It's called a missed miscarriage. I had one several years ago and didn't know until I went in for my first ultrasound at 9 wks. They couldn't find the heartbeat and when looking further... the fetus only registered at 8 wks.

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Q: How common is it to have a miscarraige and there be no bleeding?
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What are the signs of having a miscarraige?

Heavy spotting or bleeding. Depends on how far along you are. Consult a doctor!

Is cramping and bleeding during the sixth week normal?

It depends on how heavy the bleeding is. Its normal to sometimes spot during pregnancey. Cramps, all the time. If bleeding is heavy its a possible miscarraige you should see docter immediately.

Causes of bleeding when 4 weeks pregnant?

All depends on what bleeding you are having, I't might be implantation bleeding if it is little, pinkinsh or brown. If there is a lot of blood and you have pain you might be having a miscarraige. Contact you care giver for advise.

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Which is the earliest stage of miscarraige?

The earliest sign of a miscarraige is painful cramping and bleeding. Some cramps are normal, as well as pink or brown bleeding. The cramping that is normal will feel like mild period cramps. Any type of painful cramping as opposed to minor discomfort I would recommend going to the hospital.

Can having one testical cause a miscarraige?

No it can not.

What are the most common causes of bleeding gums?

Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums is lack of flossing and gingivitis.

What does it mean when you have light pink discharge that turned into 'period' like bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant?

Go to the hospital! I don't mean to scare you but it can mean a few different things.... 1. your amniotic sac (what the baby lives in) separated from the uterine wall 2. miscarraige 3. It could be normal bleeding CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR ASAP OR GO TO THE ER! BLEEDING DURING PREGNANCY IS NEVER GOOD!

How many miscarriages did Katie price have?

Katie has had one miscarraige.

What is a common type of internal bleeding?
