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Well it depends on how much the woman is a Vergo than a Libra because sometimes people can be like my husband and me I'm a Pieces and he is a mixture of a Pieces and something else I can't remember but we are very conpatible because he is more of the Pieces than his other Zodiac sign.

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11y ago

You would really want to look at the Mars and Venus signs as well, these usually have a lot more to do with relationship compatibility. To answer your question though, it would be a text book relationship possibly devoid of passion (though the Libra helps if she is an artistic one).

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Q: How compatible is a Virgo man and Virgo Libra cusp woman?
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50% MATCHE ONLY please write complete birth details for your answer

What is a Libra on the cusp of Virgo?

Libra on the cusp of Virgo is anyone born September 23rd or 24th.

How compatible is Leo-Virgo man and Virgo woman?

Very. I am a Leo-Virgo cusp. We love Libra's. You will find a lot of common ground with her. The attraction is there. I would say, on a scale of 1-10, 8.5 compatibility. Always give her your undivided attention. That's funny, I'm a Leo-Virgo cusp woman and I can't stand Libra men! They are lazy, lazy, lazy!

Is Leo man and Virgo woman compatible?

Very. I am a Leo-Virgo cusp. We love Libra's. You will find a lot of common ground with her. The attraction is there. I would say, on a scale of 1-10, 8.5 compatibility. Always give her your undivided attention. That's funny, I'm a Leo-Virgo cusp woman and I can't stand Libra men! They are lazy, lazy, lazy!

Is 22 September really Virgo?

It's the Cusp of Virgo and Libra

Is someone born on September 19 a Virgo-Libra?

Born 19th of September you are Virgo on the cusp of Libra.

What is the birth sign for September twenty-first?

September 21st, is on the cusp of Virgo and Libra so even though it is classified as Virgo, if you feel you are better represented by the sign Libra, then that should be your sign.

If your birthday is September twenty first are you on a cusp?

Yes you are a Virgo on the cusp of Libra.

Is September 23 a Libra?

It is the cusp of Virgo and Libra, so a mix of both signs' characteristics could be applied.

What is 25 September star sign?

libra,but doing a natal chart will better pin point your sun sign and moon sign cause it is on the cusp they may have characteristics seen in a virgo

What is September 23th horoscope?

The zodiac star sign for September 23 can be Virgo or Libra, as it is on the cusp. So it would depend on which year, where and at what time you were born.

Is someone born on August 23 1992 a Virgo or a Leo and which one makes a good couple with Libra?

I was born on August means you are born on a cusp. You are both signs both Leo and Virgo and you can look up compatability to cusp signs. But Leo's and Libra's are said to be drawn to each other like magnets.