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This is a good point and a question worth delving into since it deals with who Jesus was and is. Jesus did not come to the earth in order to continue the 'old order'. He came to the earth to be the personal fulfillment of all that the Old Testament rituals signified. He Himself was the perfect 'once for all' sacrifice which really and actually did take away sins. The constant repetition necessary in the Old Testament system indicated it didn't really do what it was claimed by some to do. It is pointed out in the book of Hebrews that these sacrifices never really did this, else they would not have had to be repeated.

Jesus, as the true and only High Priest entered into the very presence of God in heaven and presented Himself and His sacrifice as a 'once for all' and absolutely final sacrifice. Thus, even though real, Jesus' sacrifice occurred on another plane altogether and had nothing to do with Levi and the Levitical priesthood.

The fact that the temple veil ripped in two from top to bottom indicated that the old system was finished when Jesus died.

The whole matter of Jesus as High Priest is discussed in the Book of Hebrews.

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Q: How could Christ Jesus become a HighPriest when HE was not of the Levitcal order or not in the tribe of Levi?
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