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Perhaps Gandhi would publicize the gross social injustices that are at the root of the desperation which causes people to consider suicide bombings.

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Q: How could Gandhi stop people from using suicide bombings as a tool for social change?
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Why is it bad to be killed for your religion?

It is bad to do suicide bombings, because it harms innocent people for no reason other than that the people doing it want to hurt people.

How did Gandhi change peoples life?

he tought people how to change in peace not war

How do Muslims rationalize suicide bombings?

My opinion as an American Muslim... The suicide bombings that are done by these corrupted people is not jihad nor honorable nor allowed. If you are to fight you will fight your enemy not your own people. If your to fight you will fight smartly not by giving your life. Suicide in Islam is considered a BLASPHEMY. These so called Muslims kill themselves and kill many innocents with them. You call this jihad or honorable or normal? Never in all history of Islam has a prophet in Islam ever killed himself even when they were outnumbered.

What were Gandhi's religious and moral beliefs?

Change through peaceful non violent means. Gandhi was a pacifist and 100% believed that the people would effect change through peaceful protest and patience

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How did rajiv Gandhi die?

Rajiv Gandhi (1944-1991) was the 6th prime minister of India, and the son of the 3rd prime minister Indira Gandhi, who he succeeded after her assassination in 1984. Rajiv was himself assassinated in 1991 by a woman suicide bomber, the explosion killing 14 other people as well. *Indira Gandhi was not related to the famous Mohandas Gandhi, but was the daughter of the 1st prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru.

Where did the Indian bombings hit?

they hit people ..........................................

How did Gandhi help people?

Gandhi helped Indian people to get its independence

Are suicide bombers brainwashed?

Suicide bombers can be influenced by extremist ideologies that manipulate their beliefs and emotions, but it is not accurate to say they are brainwashed in the traditional sense. Many factors, including coercion, coercion, indoctrination, and personal grievances, can lead individuals to engage in suicide bombings.

How many people died from the atomic bombings in World War 2?

See: Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

How many people died in the Madrid train bombings?

191 People