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The communication was done using radio signals which can be transmitted in a vacuum. Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as are light waves, x-rays and microwaves. Just as light from far distance stars travel through empty space and reach your eyes, so can radio waves travel through space to a radio receiver.

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Q: How could Neil Armstrong talk to Nixon through the vacuum of space?
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What evidence do we have that light travel through a vacuum?

You create a vacuum in a lab, and then shine a light through it, and there is experimental proof that light travels through a vacuum. Alternatively, take the fact that light travels through space - if light could not travel through a vacuum, no light from the stars, the moon or the sun would ever reach our planet.

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The first living creature that we know of to visit the moon was a human, Niel Armstrong. If you wish to be speculative, you could suggest that there COULD have been some bacteria surviving somewhere in the spacecraft, which COULD have entered the vacuum of space before Mr. Armstrong did, but obviously there is no evidence to support that belief. So the first living creature to visit the moon to our knowledge would have to be Niel Armstrong.

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He felt he could improve the United States position through China.

What was president Nixon's stance toward the Vietnam war 1969?

He felt he could improve the United States position through China.

What was president Nixon's stance toward Vietnam war in 1969?

He felt he could improve the United States position through China.

Why the sound waves could not pass through vacuum?

Sound waves need to cause vibrations in a medium in order to travel. Vibrations cannot be created in a vacuum, as there is no matter present.

What type of earthquake wave could travel through a vacuum?

Since an earthquake or seismic wave is a pressure or force wave (like sound waves), it requires a material in which to propagate. So, no earthquake waves can travel through a vacuum.

Why do light waves require a medium in which to travel?

Light waves do not require a medium through which to travel. They will travel (propagate) perfectly well in a vacuum. Otherwise, light would not pass through the vacuum of space. It would be very dark here on earth as the light from the sun, moon and stars could not reach Earth through the vacuum of space.