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Cause fuel burns hot, and hot things heat things.

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Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a warming effect known as the greenhouse effect. This can contribute to global warming and climate change.

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Q: How could fossil fuels have an affect on the temperature of the planet?
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Are there fossil fuels on Mars?

There is no current evidence that fossil fuels exist on Mars. Mars is primarily composed of rock and dust, and has a thin atmosphere. Any potential fossil fuels would have to be created through natural geological processes on the planet, which is yet to be discovered.

What are the benefits and limitations of fossil fuels?

Benefits of fossil fuels include abundant availability, easy transportation, and cost-effectiveness. However, they are nonrenewable, contribute to air pollution and global warming, and their extraction can have negative environmental impacts. Transitioning to renewable energy sources is necessary to address these limitations and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Blobs in the bottle affect the water temperature the reaction?

Blobs in the bottle could potentially hinder the transfer of heat in the reaction, affecting the water temperature by either trapping or releasing heat. This could lead to an inaccurate measurement of the reaction's temperature or alter the rate of the reaction. It's important to ensure the bottle is free of any obstructions to obtain reliable results.

Three factors that affect the temperature?

Three factors that affect temperature are: Latitude: Closer to the equator generally results in higher temperatures. Elevation: Higher elevation tends to be cooler due to lower air pressure. Proximity to water: Water bodies can moderate temperatures, leading to milder climates compared to inland areas.

What is the fossil fuel found in sedimantary rock?

The fossil fuel found in sedimentary rock is coal. Coal forms from the remains of plants that have been buried and compressed over millions of years.

Related questions

How does temperature's affect life on planets?

Temperature plays a critical role in determining the habitability of a planet. Extreme temperatures can make it difficult for life to exist as it may affect the availability of liquid water, necessary for most life forms. Temperature also influences the chemical reactions that sustain life processes, so it is a key factor in the potential for life to thrive on a planet.

A change in the temperature of the core would affect?

The change in core temperature would affect the generation of Earth's magnetic field, which helps protect the planet from solar winds and cosmic radiation. This could lead to disruptions in navigation systems that rely on magnetic field direction, such as compasses.

Is water temperature could affect the reaction of table salt?


Could people survive on the planet Venus?

No the surface temperature is above 400oC and the air is unbreathable.

What are 3 possible variables that could affect the water temperature in a pool?

Ambient temperature and seasonality Exposure (direct sunlight) Wind

How do eclipse affect the livelihood?

i think, also at the time, day, temperature. i could im correct :-)

Are there fossil fuels on Mars?

There is no current evidence that fossil fuels exist on Mars. Mars is primarily composed of rock and dust, and has a thin atmosphere. Any potential fossil fuels would have to be created through natural geological processes on the planet, which is yet to be discovered.

Does the unknown planet have a liquid region in its interior?

It is not definitively known whether the unknown planet has a liquid region in its interior without further exploration and analysis. The presence of a liquid region could depend on factors such as the planet's composition, temperature, and geological activity.

What are several factors that could affect the production of wine?

temperature, grapes quality, lack of skilled staff during production

How does the temperature affect how high or low a basketball travels in the air?

It doesn't! It effects pressure in the ball, so actually it could.

Will this affect the temperature of the liquid left in the container?

Yes, the change in pressure could affect the temperature of the liquid left in the container. When pressure decreases, the liquid's boiling point also decreases, potentially causing it to evaporate or cool down.

Is an example of an abiotic factor for a given animal?

An example of an abiotic factor for an animal could be temperature. For instance, a high or low temperature could affect the metabolism, behavior, and overall health of an animal.