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Q: How could media prejudice affect a democratic candidate campaign?
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How do other people's prejudice affect your life?

how do other peoples prejudice affect your life ?

How can prejudice affect one's understanding of a message?


How do size and composition of different ethnic groups affect democratic politics of a country?

Because according to the demographics and the size of that community, will depend the outcome of their political views. This will determine which political party's candidate will win.

Did the posters affect how Germans thought about Jews and prejudice against them?

true propaganda

How does monarchy government affect housing?

In a democratic, constitutional monarchy, the monarchy has no affect on housing policy.

How did the Democratic Party split affect the election of 1860?

they didint

Why campaign spending has such an effect on elections?

Campaign spending as much affect because people see the advertisement and will feel that it is right if they see enough of it.

What is the origin of the word prejudice?

The word prejudice is circa 1290, from Old French prejudice (13 century), from Medieval Latin prejudicium "injustice," from Latin præjudicium"prior judgment," from præ- "before" + judicium"judgment," from judex (genitive judicis) "judge." The notion is of "preconceived opinion;" the verb meaning "to affect or fill with prejudice" is from 1610.

How did the cold war effect the Democratic Party?

It didn't affect it in any way.

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal coalition affect African American voting patterns?

more African Americans voted Democratic

How did prejudice affect the goals of progressive reformers?

They pressed for solutions within urban areas rather than outside of them.

How did the slavery issue affect the Democratic Party in the 1860 presidental election?

The slavery issue caused the northern and southern democratics to split up and have two different democratic parties.