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because they are very reactive as individuals, which makes them dangerous, so when they react with each other they become much less reactive and harmless (as they have already reacted) so the resulting compound (salt) is a lot less dangerous than the original elements.

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Q: How could sodium and chlorine create something harmless like salt?
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What harmless substance forms from the reaction of sodium and chlorine gas?

Sodium Chloride which is table salt

Why are we able to eat sodium and chlorine is a compound?

Because the compound is harmless.

What happens in an ionic bond formation between sodium and chlorine?

You create something called sodium chloride, or common table salt.

When 2 poisonous substances combine why do they form a harmless substance?

such as when sodium and chlorine combine, they form salt which is obviously harmless

How is it possible that you can eat sodium and chlorine in a compound together when they are dangerous elements apart?

It is possible because sodium and chlorine put together is a harmless compound. If you were to put chlorine and bleach together, that would be a different story.

What happens to sodium when it reacts with chlorine?

it makes sodium chloride separately the elements are explosive (sodium) and a highly choking gas (chlorine) when chemically joined they create sodium chloride

Table salt is formed when the of sodium and chlorine combine?

when the (molecules) of ... When the atoms of sodium and chlorine combine to form NaCl or the salt molecule,it forms a harmless chemical reaction. we are doing it in my science class..... im confused to.

What is the end product of these two elements sodium and chlorine?

When combined, they create sodium chloride (table salt).

What is a word equation for sodium and chlorine?

Sodium + Chlorine ---> Sodium Chloride I think that is correct

What is one atom soduim with one atom of chlorine?

When combined, Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) can create NaCl, which is common salt.

What are the chemical present in salt?

salt is also called sodium chloride. sodium is a mineral on the periodic table, and so is chlorine. sodium + chlorine gas = salt sodium and chlorine are fatally dangerous, but when put together, they make something completely harmless and useful.

What is the experiment of the electrolysis of brine?

I think it has something to do with the way chlorine,sodium hydroxide and hydrogen are formed.but i don"t know how to design the experiment I think it has something to do with the way chlorine,sodium hydroxide and hydrogen are formed.but i don"t know how to design the experiment I think it has something to do with the way chlorine,sodium hydroxide and hydrogen are formed.but i don"t know how to design the experiment I think it has something to do with the way chlorine,sodium hydroxide and hydrogen are formed.but i don"t know how to design the experiment