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prostate cancer, is said to be a very slow killer. It is also said that if not removed it can be very quick and terrifying. So what's the answer? Well, it depends. If you have been suffering from depression, it will move rather quickly. NOT Because your depressed, but your body is letting you know its happening so quickly by making you depressed.

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Q: How could stage 4 prostate cancer kill you i know it spreads to the bones but what then?
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What is the incidence of bladder cancer after prostate cancer?

There is no specific threat of bladder cancer during or after prostate cancer. The prostate cancer could spread to the bladder just as easily as it could spread to any other organ.

Is prostate Brachytherapy a viable option for prostate cancer?

My understanding is that Brachytherapy is used to slow down the progression of prostate cancer. But it is not a cure. It is used when the cancer has progressed out side the prostate gland into the lymph nodes in the abdomen. I could be wrong, I have been before :|

Can a grandmother with cervical cancer pass on prostate cancer to her grandson?

There is no possible way that could happen.

Does prostate cancer cause pain in eyes?

There shouldn't be any connection between the prostate and the eye. It is conceiveable that the cancer could have metasticized to the eye, but I would think it very unlikely.

What is a prominent prostate?

A prominent prostate is a prostate gland that is enlarged. It is a fairly common issue for men who are age 50 or older. Since it could be a sign of prostate cancer, it should be checked by a doctor.

What causes a firm prostrate?

A firm prostate could be the sign of an infection called prostatitis. It may also be a sign of prostate cancer.

Do woman get prostate cancer?

Women do not classically get prostate cancer as cancer of the prostate is classified as a disease of the prostate gland of the male reproductive system. However, in 2002 the female Skene's Gland was officially renamed the female prostate as it was found to be homologous in function. Both male and female prostates produce Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and contribute to the ejaculate fluid. Six cases of adenocarcinoma have been observed as originated from the female prostate that strongly resemble that of classical male prostate cancer. Serum tests showed elevated levels of PSA, typical in prostate cancer.

If you decide not to treat your prostate cancer can you still have kids?

It is still possible to still have children while suffering from prostate cancer. That said, the cancer could ultimately make getting an erection, or effectively ejaculating effectively next to impossible.

Is metastatic prostate cancer dangerous?

Metastatic prostate cancer is indeed considered dangerous due to its potential to spread to other parts of the body and its resistance to curative treatments. When prostate cancer metastasizes, it means that cancer cells have travelled from the prostate gland to other organs or tissues, such as the bones, lymph nodes, liver, or lungs. Metastatic prostate cancer is associated with poorer outcomes and a higher risk of complications compared to localized or early-stage prostate cancer. Once the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, it becomes more challenging to treat and manage effectively. Metastatic prostate cancer can lead to symptoms such as bone pain, urinary problems, fatigue, weight loss, and complications related to the spread of cancer to vital organs. Despite the challenges posed by metastatic prostate cancer, there are treatment options available to help manage the disease and improve quality of life. These may include hormone therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, bone-targeted therapy, and palliative care. The goal of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is often focused on controlling the spread of the disease, relieving symptoms, and prolonging survival. It's important for individuals with metastatic prostate cancer to work closely with their healthcare team to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Additionally, ongoing monitoring and supportive care are essential components of managing metastatic prostate cancer and optimizing outcomes for patients.

What do higher than normal PSA levels mean?

Elevated PSA levels can mean different things. It can point to a higher risk of cancer of the prostate or it could point to a more benign enlargement of the prostate. It is important to understand that prostate cancer can occur with normal PSA levels present. Your boyfriend should follow up with his physician to do more tests to determine what is causing the elevated PSA levels.

If a person has prostate cancer could limping while walking be a symptom?

No. I have never heard of that as being a symptom.

What is done as an enlarged prostate treatment and is it usually cancerous?

Be very cautious about an enlarged prostate. There is a huge concern that it could be a sign of cancer. Go see a specialist as soon as possible. Treatment could include death.