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well... the high nitrate levels that are in the leaves are able to kill animals that are trying to get oxygen from the air. The plant turns the oxygen into nitrate.

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Kudzu is a group of plants in the genus Pueraria, in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. They are climbing, coiling, and trailing perennial vines native to much of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and some Pacific islands. The name is derived from the Japanese name for the plant East Asian arrowroot, クズ or 葛. Where these plants are naturalized, they can be invasive and are considered noxious weeds. The plant climbs over trees or shrubs and grows so rapidly that it kills them by heavy shading. The plant is edible, but often sprayed with herbicides.

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Which factor could be the cause of the other three in an animal species?

A lack of genetic variability in the species #2

What would most likely happen to a native predator species if a nonnative predator species were introduced to an area?

A decline in the size of native fox population

What causes the Goliath frog to be endangered?

The notes I'm seeing is that the Oregon Spotted Frog is considered "Vulnerable" and not "Endangered". But it is a subcategory under Threatened. Other notes indicated that it is a "Candidate" for the Endangered Species List. The frog has a relatively limited native range in the Cascades and various marshy lakes. A limited native distribution of any species puts it at an inherent risk to any changes that could change its competitiveness. While Oregonians don't particularly hunt and eat frogs... The main problems are habitat loss, non-native predators, and increased competition. The bullfrog is a non-native predator of the spotted frog. Human activities such as logging, or changing of wetlands and meadows into farmlands, or introducing non-native plants and other species could also affect their populations. See U.S. Fish and Wildlife Link.

What problem could result if a new species were introduced into non native habit?

If an endangered species were introduced into a nonnative habitat they might flourish as there are no natural predators. Of course, it could make them dwindle even more if there wasn't any food.

Does Siamese cause breathing problems?

if your talking about cats what you could have is allergies towards cats or have asma etc. if your talking about cats what you could have is allergies towards cats or have asma etc.

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How could the introduction of an invasive species to an ecosystem cause natural selection to take place in a native species?

Selection pressure caused by the invasive species entering the ecosystem. They would be possibly competing for the same resources with different traits that might favor one species traits over the others on average. The native species is a population of variants, so some among the native population could compete with the invasive species on a more equal footing. These would be naturally selected by being reproductively sucessful, ultimately, and thus change the allele frequency in the native populations gene pool; the definition of evolution.

What is the role problem could results if endanger species were introduced into a non-native habitat?

it could endanger another species or it could die out eventually

Define what an introduced species is?

Non-native species that are superior competitors... Apex

Why are animals kept separately?

because different species could mate and make new species which could cause diseases and disabilities in new species.

Can you keep a meerkat in QLD Australia?

No. Australia has very strict laws about the introduction of exotic species which could cause damage to the environment and prey on native fauna. Too much damage has already been done by species that were introduced in the colonial years.

What is a species that is not native to an ecosystem?

a non native species is a species that isn't within a certain ecosystem.

What factor could be the cause of the other three in an animal species?

A lack of genetic variability in the species :)

Could pancreas problems cause you to vomit?

Yes, it can. Pancreas problems can cause fluid and air to build up in the stomach, which can cause severe vomiting.

How does the solar wind effect us?

Solar winds are the cause of the norther lights (and the southern ones too, but the name escapes me). Also solar winds could cause communication problems with satellites, which could cause T.V. problems, cell phone problems, GPS problems, internet problems, etc. etc.

Why are Asian carp invasive species?

Asian carp are an invasive species because they are not native to the rivers and lakes of the United States. They eat all of the plants in their wake which takes away the food for the native species. This will harm and could change ecosystems forever.

Which factor could be the cause of the other three in an animal species?

A lack of genetic variability in the species #2

What problems could floods cause?

It could cause destruction of homes, city buildings. And if big enough engulf interior